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Inside the Cave of Obscenity (WN)

Episode 2:  Adventurer 1

Early morning in the countryside.

Waking up early was natural for families who make a living from dairy farming.

They wake up before dawn to take care of the livestock.


They have been doing it repeatedly for decades now. They don't find it hard at all.


And today was no different from any other day―― or so they thought.


But then...


Suddenly, the old man felt unease as he was entering the hut where the cows were staying.


He had been taking good care of the cows for so many years that he was sensitive to even the slightest change.


Maybe the cows were in a bad mood, sick, or scared of some wild dogs.


It happened in the past many times.


The moment he entered the hut, he sensed the slightest change in the atmosphere.


Did a wild dog appear?


He thought so at first.


This atmosphere was that of fear.


The cows were frightened of something.


As soon as he felt it, he picked up the hoe he had left at the hut entrance.


If it were wild dogs, he would have to protect his precious livestock.


He hadn't heard of any bandits or brigands in this area, but it might be them.


For those who live in the remote countryside, livestock was their life.


For them to lose them would mean death.


So, with his hoe at the ready and lowering his stance, he cautiously made his way inside the hut.

"Is anyone there?"

His voice was surprisingly firm.


The old man's cattle were still in the shed, but he doesn't stop moving forward.


The old man had forty-four livestock.


Counting as far as his eye could see, there were forty-three cows.


――One was missing.


The moment he thought that the livestock in the shed started to make noise.


They bellowed as if frightened of something and started to thrash wildly, trying to escape from the fence where they were tied up.


It never happened before.


The old man was surprised and frightened by what was happening.


But after a while, he calmed down.


What's going on? The old man muttered in his mind and walked forward again.


This time, he walked faster.


Not because he was afraid of what he might see, but because he had to be sure.


At the back of the hut, there was nothing tied to the fence where the cattle should have been.


The rope that had been tying it had been cut in the middle.

"Damn it!"

They took my livestock!


His thoughts were stained with anger.


But he quickly cooled down.


Where or how did they take the cow?


The rope that had held the cow was broken, but the shed was locked and the fence was closed.


It was as if it had disappeared without a trace.


Using the hoe as a stick, he thought.


But there was no way he could come up with an answer.


Nothing else had changed that day.


The next day, the livestock of the old man who lived two houses away had also been stolen.


The next was a house on the other side of the village.


They also had cows. They had sixty cows. Now two disappeared.


The next day, and the day after that, the looting of livestock continued.


By the time a week had passed, the entire village was overwhelmed by it.


But these old men were not fools.


They set traps and guarded their livestock through the night, but to no avail.


Somehow, they managed to steal their livestock.


It was strange.


Speaking of strange, the old man who had gone into the mountains to check for wild dogs about ten days ago had not returned to the village.


They wonder if there is a connection between the disappearance of wild dogs and their livestock.


Is there a connection?


The old men in the village wondered.


In a situation like this, they would have gone to the royal capital and paid a knight or a mage to investigate, but there was no way they could afford that.


Then, should they deal with it ourselves?


That was impossible too, they thought.


They don't know what they were dealing with.


They dodged their traps and stole their livestock without being seen.


Everyone was puzzled.


Another week passed, and the number of their remaining livestock reduced to a third.


――Fortunately, a pair of adventurers came to the village.




The woman's name was Frederica Rene.


She had lightly wavy golden hair flowing down to her waist and large jade green eyes that show her strong will.


She wore a blue robe over a black undergarment and carried a large staff on her back that was as tall as she was.


Her legs, concealed by the thick pants she wore, but her slender waist and bountiful breasts were enough to attract a man's attention.


Her breasts, which looked as though they were packed full, responded sensitively to even her slightest gesture and swayed softly.


Her breasts were too rich to be stuffed into an inner garment instead of underwear.


Her thick robes, typical of a mage, had been altered to show off her cleavage through the undergarment.


It was a sight that would make any young man's eyes turn to her.


She was so beautiful that it was a wonder if she was an adventurer. That's the woman named Frederica.


She was probably between twenty-two or thirty years old.


Behind her was a timid-looking young man about her age and a strong-looking man a little older than the two.


The timid-looking young man called himself Carl, and the strong-looking man called himself Rig.


They were both wearing leather breastplates, knee pads, and elbow pads over their heavy clothes.


They had iron swords at their waists and large luggage bags on their backs, probably filled with their belongings.


A mage and two swordsmen.


A typical adventurer's party.


They were middle class in age and had a relaxed atmosphere that put the villagers at ease.


More importantly, the villagers were grateful to them for accepting the job for little money.



"Well, it's an easy job if we can earn some money just climbing the mountain, right?"



The woman said in a cheerful voice as she walked along the path that must have been paved in the past.


In front of her was the timid-looking young man. Behind her was a strong-looking young man. They were walking as though to protect the woman.


It's hard to say that they were seasoned adventurers.


She's feeling great and had a relaxed atmosphere.

"It's a beautiful day, not bad to take a walk like this once in a while."

The woman stretched her back and lightly turns.


At that time, her rich breasts shook slightly.


The man in front of her didn't notice it, but the man took a peek at her breasts from behind.


She was clearly showing and inviting him.


The man in front of her, who must be exhausted from the long trip, turned his gaze to the faintly visible bulge while trying not to pay attention to it.


And the woman did the same. Feeling the man's gaze, she turned away and walked down the path.


Her rich breasts trembled greatly while feeling the pleasant stimulation.


She felt the man's gaze piercing her from behind and motivated her confidence.


Satisfied with such a minor thing, the woman proceeded up the mountain.


Their goal was to reach the abandoned magical silver mithril mine.


For now, they were going to check it out and make a report.


They had been hired for cheap money, so they assumed that would be enough.


They have no intention of calling themselves a messenger of justice or a good person.


Adventurers were like that. They were hired for cheap money, but they only work for the money they receive.


Though she was feeling sorry for those old men. That's just what adventurers were.


While thinking about this, Frederica smiled with her glossy lips.


Just by going up the mountain, she could get enough money to live for a few weeks. It was a bit of a small amount to spend for fun, but it was nice to know that she wouldn't have to worry about food for a while.


It would be more than enough just for climbing the mountain.


Frederica and her companions had been traveling around the frontier and doing requests from the country villages. That was why this job was so much easier and more profitable.


Wishing that she could make this much money every time, she thought as she looked up at the blue sky.


As she walked along thinking about this, she saw the abandoned mine they were looking for.


Yes, indeed, they thought.


The three thought, they were already far away from the village, but they couldn't find any wild dogs, let alone wild rabbits.


They didn't look closely, but they also noticed that not many insects around.


There were also no signs of wild animals fighting with each other.


It was a quiet and peaceful walk to the entrance of the abandoned mine.


Such a thing was only possible in the vicinity of the royal capital.


While the number of monsters was decreasing, the damage caused by wild animals was only increasing.


They were not as strong as monsters, but they were still a nuisance, and no matter how many they kill, their numbers would not decrease.


However, it was strange that there were no wild animals in the area.


They also wondered about the old man who had gone missing.


They wondered where he was.


If he knew what he was doing, he wouldn't have fallen off a cliff or gone to a dangerous place.

"Something crawled on the ground."

The timid-looking young man bent his knees and examined the ground.


There were traces of broken wild grass that looked like something had been dragged over it.


Looking at the traces, it must have been something big.

"Is it the marks of the stolen livestock being dragged?"

Frederica also looked into the traces but was not sure what to make of them.


At that time, Frederica's breasts shook slightly in front of the blushing timid-looking young man, however, Frederica pretended not to notice it.

"It leads to the cave."


"So the bandits are in the cave?"

Rig smiled happily and placed his hand on the sword on his waist.

His strong-willed appearance was a reflection of his bloodthirstiness.


On the other hand, Carl and even Frederica placed their fingers on their chins while thinking.


The reason was simple.


Inside the cave, her strong magic would be restrained.


In an abandoned mine, even a single explosion could cause it to collapse.


Frederica was a mage of a certain level, and that was why she knew her capabilities.


She was not sure if she was going to be able to do it.


And not sure of the number of bandits, she doesn't want to attack them without a plan.


But then she thought.


Then why they didn't see any wild dogs, she thought.


Are they really bandits?


If it was just a wild animal - a bear, for example - using the area as its territory, both these men would have no problem with it.


They can try luring them out of the cave and cutting them up with her wind magic.


The magic Frederica could use was limited in number, but she could use multiple attributes.


Fire, wind, and earth.


This was the same number as the mage working at the royal court.


But because of her low amount of mana, she became an adventurer.

"Is that so?"


"As ever, you’re just a muscle head."



If Frederica could not use her magic, this party's firepower was about average.


This party could only consist of just three people was because there was a mage.


There were many magicians in this country called the magic kingdom.


However, most mages work for the royal palace. The mages who work as adventurers have only low-quality mages who could only use one attribute.


Therefore, a party of four or five was the norm.


When it comes to hunting big game, the number goes up to double digits.

"But I don't think our thief is a human."

The one who said this was the timid-looking Carl.


He was no longer looking at the drag marks, but at the entrance to the abandoned mine.

"Oh, why?"


"If they were bandits, they would have left some footprints. But looking around, I didn't see anything like that."

"I see." Frederica thought and was impressed.

"But even if it is a beast, it is strange that there are no footprints."


"So, what are we dealing with?"

Rig asked, frustrated.


Whatever it was, he wanted to kill it as soon as possible.

"I think the thief is alone or something. The footprints will disappear after the dragging."


"I don't think a human can pull a cow instead of lifting it."

"I see."

Rig nodded in admiration.


Frederica looked at Carl in surprise.

"You're quite brilliant, aren't you?"


"Haha. I've lived in the country for a long time. I know how to hunt beasts in the mountains."

He muttered and looked away, embarrassed.

"So, what do we do?"

Rig asked Carl.

"It's simple, hiding in the entrance is probably the safest bet. I don't think they know we're here yet."

"Is that safe?"

Frederica muttered.


If possible, she wanted to finish it while the sun was still up and sleep at the inn at night.

Though, since it's in the countryside, they could not expect more.

"But it seems they are attacking every day, so this will be done by tonight or tomorrow morning."



Muttering positively, Frederica and Carl moved to hide behind the rock, which was a blind spot near the entrance.


Then, Rig hid behind a rock on the other side of the entrance.


They were far apart, but they could see each other, so there was no blind spot.


The three waited until it turned dark, keeping an eye on their surroundings since there was a possibility that the thief might be coming out of the abandoned mine.


Near the beaten path, hidden by the roots of a large tree and thick grass, there it was.


It was the slime, Black Ooze.


It had gained knowledge about people and learned how to hide.


It avoided traps, evaded people's eyes, and swallowed its prey whole.


It was the "knowledge" of the old man whom the slime had swallowed first.


The village at the foot of the mountain was full of old people, but people were cunning.


It didn't matter how many of them there were, the current Black Ooze would probably be able to kill them without a problem.


The knowledge of monster hunting and beast hunting had evolved this existence unknown to be a monster.


This slime, which had not only eaten wild dogs but also livestock and still have the same size, but its mass was too large for just a few months old.


If someone familiar with the ecology of the black ooze were to witness it, they would be astonished by its growth rate.


It only took a few months to grow on what would normally take several years.


Even an experienced adventurer would have difficulty sensing its presence.


It was standard to use a spell for searching enemies, but Frederica did not use it.


Is she an amateur, or just being optimistic? In the first place, she probably does not even think that there was a monster nearby.


The slime did not think anything of it and just observed the three adventurers.


There were two men and a woman.


The slime had digested a human male a few weeks ago and now its awareness was leaning toward the male side.


In other words, the man was the food and the woman was for reproduction.


It was a "dedication" that should not exist in ordinary slime.


It wanted to get its hands on the woman.


However, the knowledge that adventurers were a group of monster hunters existed on the old man's knowledge.


Though it was not a problem if it were dealing with an old man, if it's an active adventurer, it may or may not be able to beat them one-on-one.


It won't take any risks. This was also a decision that ordinary slimes do not have.


Monsters instinctively attack races other than the Demon King and the demon tribe.


That's how the demon king created them.


However, this slime was defying its instincts, not taking any risks and making sure to get its prey.


Just as the three adventurers did not move, the slime did not move.


Meanwhile, the sun was setting and darkness slowly covered the world.


The night was coming, and it's time for the "Black" Ooze.


Even though adventurers were accustomed to seeing at night, it was difficult for them to see the Black Ooze in the dark because of its color.


Aside from elves or beastmen. It was nearly impossible for humans.


The three of them, in particular, were hiding and not having any lights on.


They were only able to confirm each other's safety by their faint breathing and giving signs to each other.


In the darkness, the slime moved with as little noise as possible.


It moved its huge body, which was as big as a cow, taking its time so as not to shake the grass and leaves.


There was plenty of time. The night had only just begun.


How much time had passed?


The mountain that was once dimly lit was now completely dark and seemed to support the slime.


The target was the larger man hiding alone.


The slime moved along the rock surface above the larger man's head without making a sound.


In the memory of the old man that the slime ate who was an adventurer at his young age, it saw in his memory being surprised to see a slime sticking to the ceiling.


So the slime used it. It dripped its liquid above the man's head, in his blind spot.


The liquid that dripped down the man's neck was the paralyzing poison that had already caught a lot of prey.


The target was a man, there was no need to hold back, so it dropped a liquid with the highest concentration of paralyzing poison into the man's neck.


At that moment, the man looked up at the slime in surprise.


Is it not effective enough? Not sure if the slime thought so or not, but the man collapsed and it swallowed the man before the other two knew what was happening.


It seemed the paralyzing poison was effective because the man did not even scream.


But it was too strong. As it slowly took in the convulsing man, it was considering to lower the concentration of the poison to use on the woman.


This was no good.


Women were more fragile than men. It was from the old man's knowledge.


With a powerful paralyzing poison, it might kill the woman with paralysis alone, just like the old man did a few weeks ago.


The slime thought about the concentration of the paralyzing poison to use on the woman.


Fortunately, there was another man.


This time, the slime decided to try half the concentration it used earlier.


While thinking so, the slime moved while taking the man.


While moving, it shook the grass on purpose.


It was dark. It was a trap that the slime produced because it knew that its figure was nearly invisible to humans at night.


Sure enough, the two were alerted and turned their gaze toward the grass.


Was it the woman or the man who was coming towards the slime?


It was unlikely that both of them would be coming at the same time. If this was a trap, they would both fall prey at the same time.


The slime sets a trap.


It was the knowledge of the old man that the slime ate a few weeks ago.


It was a trap that the old man used when fighting demons and bandits.


Both still think that they were still three. But they don't know that one of them was already beginning to be digested by the Black Ooze.


And there was no way to know for sure.


Both think that he was still hiding and they cannot use a light to see if each other was safe.


The man the slime swallowed moved slightly.


No, it was a dying convulsion.


The paralyzing poison took away his body's freedom, and he was taken into the slime's body.


The man had not lasted more than a few minutes and was suffocated to death.


The one who moved was the man.


He drew his sword and slowly made his way towards the direction where the slime was with caution.


However, his point of view was unclear and it did not catch the slime.


The man moved forward with the tip of his sword, cutting through the grass.


At that moment, the slime stretched out its body like a tentacle and hit the man in the face.


It then detached its tentacles and covered the entire face.


The slime never tried it before, but it seemed that even if it detached its body, it could still move it freely to some extent.


The concentration of the paralyzing poison was half of what it had used earlier.


The man tried to pull off the tentacles attached to his face, but he was confused because he could not take a grip of the mucus.


He fell to the ground while struggling.


The paralyzing poison seemed to have no effect yet.


Just as It was confirming this, the slime's body was sliced open.


There was no sensation of pain, but It was surprised by what had just happened.


It was wind magic.


It knew that it was wind magic, but It got caught off guard for a moment. It moved away from the struggling man and hid behind a large tree.


It then immediately attached its body and it started to regenerate.


However, there was nothing it could do about the man who had been taken into its body.


He was dead from the start, but the wind magic had sliced him into two.


In the meantime, the struggling man's reaction became sluggish.


Not sure if it was because of the paralyzing poison or the lack of oxygen.


The tentacle that was holding the man's face had been peeled off.


The man does not move. It was not because of the lack of oxygen, but the paralyzing poison.


However, he seemed conscious, he's just staring at the slime.


It seemed he could speak.


The concentration was sufficient at this level.


While understanding that, the tentacle was trying to reach out to the man again, but was torn apart by wind magic.



It was the mage woman.


Holding the long staff, she stared at the slime, which she could barely see in the dark.


Her expression and eyes were stained with anger.


The long hair was swaying in the wind of magical power.

"It's a monster, Frederica!!"

Carl shouted.


However, a tentacle crawled on the ground grabbed the man's leg who could not move due to paralyzing poison, and pulled him towards the slime.


The same way as Rig, he was also taken inside the slime's body. He would probably die due to the lack of oxygen within a few minutes.


All that was left was the woman.


The mage woman.


Her strong-willed gaze pierced through the slime.


If this place was not a mountain full of trees, Frederica's victory would have been secured.


Fire was one of Frederica's attributes.


Wind and earth could not kill the slime, but fire could purify it.


She felt sorry for Carl and Rig but sacrifices were always necessary when hunting monsters. 


Surely, no one would blame her for it.


That's what monsters were. The enemy of the world, an existence that must be defeated.


A follower of the Demon King, at odds with the world.


An existence that should be destroyed was here now.


Once again, the wind magic ripped through the slime's body.


The impact caused the slime's body to separate. Not only the wind blade but also the wind pressure tried to blow it away.


However, the slime would not die from this. Four scattered bodies moved independently and tried to return together.


The men inside its body were also blown away by the impact, but the slime did not forget to take the corpses back into its body.

"Damn it!"

Frederica rushed over to the slime, and right after she does, she fell as though she had tripped over something. A part of the slime that was blown off earlier caught her boots.

Supporting her body not to keep falling onto her face, she got distracted for a while. It was a bad move.


While rolling, her left hand was caught. A part of the slime that was regenerated earlier.


She charged the staff in her right hand with mana, but before she had a chance, a tentacle combined with paralyzing poison caught her right hand.


The amount of concentration was the same as it used on Carl.


The effect was not immediate, but it should be able to paralyze the woman while leaving her senses.


Even though she was on all fours, Frederica's expression did not show a hint of fear.


This courageous woman had not given up on winning yet.


"Flaming sword!"


The slime did not know that the word was an incantation. Immediately following that, the tip of her staff became red-hot, burning off the tentacle that had captured the woman's right hand.


However, that was all.


Even though a part of the slime was burned off, it would immediately regenerate.


In contrast, slime parts that were scattered earlier joined in, only increasing its mass.


Normally, the best way to kill the slime was to burn it completely, but Frederica did not have that much mana.


Using wind magic three times and fire magic. That consumed about half of her mana.


To generate enough heat to finish off this slime with a single blow, she would need to use up all the rest.


Frederica clicked her tongue and calmed herself, thinking that blowing it up earlier was a mistake.



"Concentrate, concentrate――"

Exhaling once.


If she was going to kill this monster, she needed to make sure everything was in order.


She heard that slime could revive with a just piece of its flesh.


It would take most of her remaining mana and concentration to generate enough heat to burn all its cells.


Magic doesn't require any incantations.


It can activate by simply thinking about it.


Incantation was just something for concentrating.


At Frederica's level, concentrating for ten seconds was enough to burn the slime with magic.


Breathing, she focused her concentration on the staff.



"Eh... ?"


Suddenly a feeling of discomfort confused her.


The sensation in her left hand was dull.


She hurriedly turned her gaze to her left hand, and sure enough, her left arm was still there.


However, her fingers were not moving. She could flail about, but she couldn't feel anything from her elbow down.


It had gone numb, and her calm thoughts became disoriented.



While confused, the slime drew closer.


In the darkness of the night, the only sound was the rustling of grass and leaves.


The sound terrified her, and she closed her eyes and concentrated.


The next thing she felt was an uncomfortable sensation in her right hand, but she ignored it.


She must get rid of this slime as soon as possible. She formed all of her remaining mana into the air.



Suddenly, a voice inappropriate for this place leaked out.

"Nn, Hii...!"


A heat that was distinct to women rushed through her body.


When she opened her eyes in a hurry, the slime was invading her clothes through her arm.



Why? Why?


In an instant, her concentration got disrupted while her thoughts became confused.


Frederica knew that slimes absorb humans, but she couldn't understand why it would invade her clothes.


Unable to understand, she tried to swing her arms and realized that she couldn't move them.


(Could it be―― poison!?)


Her arm doesn't move, but she could still feel it.


No, the sensitivity felt like it was increasing. It was something she had never felt from a simple caress across her arm before.


Naturally, Frederica wasn't a virgin.


That's why she was confused.


Because 'Just from caressing her arm, her body completely gave out'.



"Fu... nn――"


A tentacle ascended her arm and entered her robe.


The mucus with its unique stickiness stained her clothes, and despite her disgust, the tentacles insistently announced their existence.


On all fours, her rich breasts hung down and endured it while biting her lip.


Her long hair stuck to her cheeks and revealed her well-shaped ears from the gap.


Her ears asserting their presence were dyed red, be it from shame, anger, or some other emotion.


Her elbows had yet to give up, but it was only a matter of time.


Human bodies were mysterious, and when a part of their body was numb in this way, that part somehow became more sensitive than normal. She could even feel pain like sensation when it was forcibly moved. 


Frederica's current situation was similar.


The numb area was sensitive, and when slowly caressed, regardless of one's determination, one could feel an inexplicable "sweet numbness".




The tentacles that had been slowly advancing finally reached her breasts, which had been hidden under her clothes.


Her bountiful chest was hanging down pulled by gravity, was squeezed as though to wring it from its base.


Perhaps it was through her clothes, wet sounds certainly reached Frederica's ears.


Her breast was being stimulated as though being massaged.


"Fu... ~ah..."


What leaked from her mouth was beyond doubt a "moan".


"Haa... nn..."

Constant obscene sounds were definitely coming from her.


The sound was from her chest. Frederica blushed at the sound coming from her prided chest.


In her shame, she almost stopped thinking.



"Stop it! You...!"



Her pride wouldn't allow such a thing.


She struggled with all her strength, trying to escape the slime that bound her hands.


The sensation from her elbows was severely numbed. She struggled and tried to escape, but the slime's grip was stronger than her.


If she had been in her perfect condition, she would have been able to, however, in her current state, she couldn't escape the slime.


As a result, her elbow gave out and her cheek hit the ground.


Her large breasts squashed to the ground and compressed.


It was as though her posture were pleading with the slime.


Her thoughts were writhing in disgrace.

"Let go of me! You… dirty monster!!"


With her cheek still on the ground, Frederica resisted by screaming to keep her heart from breaking.


She couldn't understand why slime didn't kill her immediately, but she decided to resist to the end.


Giving in to a monster was something that should never happen.


That's why she should never allow it.



However, ignoring Frederica's will, the tentacles wriggle under her clothes.


Her large chest was squashed and compressed by the ground, but they didn't lose their softness in the slightest.


It was a scene best described as kneading.


Pushed to the ground, they were pressed from above, below, right, and left. The soft breasts did not stay in the same shape for a moment but changed into various shapes.


Her clothes and underwear made obscene noises as the slime's tentacle wriggled.


She closed her eyes, trying to look away from her breasts, which were being treated as though they were toys.


But as she does so, she concentrated on the obscene sounds, which also stimulated her sexual senses.


"Haa... Hi..."

Suddenly, what came out of her mouth was a voice that was even hotter than before.


The voice sounded as though it didn't belong to her, and she put pressure on her closed eyes.

(No, no, no, no, no, no. !!!!)


She screamed in her mind over and over and over again.


However, the heat in her chest does not subside but only increased.


Every time she was kneaded, she felt a sensation that she never experienced before.


Normally, if she had been this disgusted, her body would not have responded.


The pleasure from the flesh was important, but the feeling was also important enough.


But―― Frederica was frustrated.


It couldn't be said that she was abstinent, but she was traveling for a week with a man who was neither her lover. There was no place for her to vent her sexual desires.


She wasn't sexually promiscuous enough to do it outside, nor was she a virgin that didn't know anything.


If she had stayed overnight in the village at the foot of the mountain, she might have slept with one of the men in her group.


No, she probably would not have.


So, she was at her limit.


Her mind was averse to the monster, but her body was hungry for sex. It was a helpless state.


She doesn't want to feel it, but she felt it.


She hated it so much that she wanted to kill it, but the fact that she was being violated without being able to resist was occupying her strong mind.


She hadn't masturbated in a week, and her body, at its limit, was too fragile.


While closing her eyes and resisting the pleasure, she unknowingly rubbed the tip of her chest, against the ground.



"Fu... nn... nn..."

She could not stop her moan from escaping her mouth.


The beautiful, well-aligned teeth that used to bite her lips have given up on biting it.


The tongue peeking out from the gap was small and stretched outward as though seeking something.


Her eyelids, which had been closed tightly, were now only frowning as though she was holding something back.


And most importantly―― although Frederica may not have noticed it with her eyes closed, her right hand had let go of the cane.


Her butt that was thrusting out slightly waved back and forth.


The woman was definitely "ready", even though none of her clothes had been removed.

"Sto... p..."


She muttered as though in a whisper.


The slime could not respond to her words.


Apart from the tentacles that were violating her chest, new tentacles entered her clothes.


Even though Frederica knew this, she had no way to resist.


Her arms were immobile, and because she was lying on her back with her butt raised high, her face scraped the ground every time she moved.


The slight pain was the only thing that could keep Frederica's mind occupied at the moment.


The new tentacle slipped past her chest and coiling around it and making its presence known.


It's also dexterous, as thin as a string.


"Hi, ~i..."

Although Frederica herself would not admit it, her nipples, which were pressed against the ground, had become sensitive.


This was one of Frederica's erogenous zone that she often touched when she masturbated. The sensitivity was also one of the best in her body.


"~Ahh, hii... t-this feeling..."


At that moment, her hips trembled, but Frederica was unaware of it.


But as her hips moved back and forth, she pressed her chest hard against the ground.


"Haa ~ah!"


The voice came out clearly from her mouth.


The voice was so hot that it seemed to catch fire.


As though that was the signal, the tentacles that were ravaging her breasts accelerated their movements.


The right breast was squeezed from the base, while the left breast was kneaded throughout its massive fat.


Only the nipples were treated with thin, string-like tentacles as though they were being polished.


"Nn~, haa~... ha ~ahh!!"


The sensation was so intense that she used her forehead as a support to move her chest away from the ground.


But even so, the tentacles' assault on her breasts did not end.


No, maybe it became easier to move because it was rising from the ground, It accelerated its assault on Frederica's breast


(What's this!? What's this, What's this!? Haa, ~ah, ha... ~aaahh!)

Her restrained body twitched against her will.


Her mind was trying not to break, but her body was helplessly giving in.


Her mouth was open, and she let out a sweet moan that she never made before.


Her tongue sticking out, drooling on the ground, licking an empty space as though seeking "something hot".


(Uu... lie. A lie, A lie, A lie!! ah!)


Twenty-two years old. How long had it been since she parted with her virginity?


This was the first time――

"Nn, ~u~u~u ――!!"


Frederica climaxed with just her breasts.


Convulsing several times, her body fell to the ground and her chest got crushed again.


Although an incredibly intense sensation assaulted her sensitive breasts, she somehow endured it through her exhaustion.


However, as she convulsed, her nipples rubbed against the ground, and the woman's heat accumulated again deep inside her body.


Even though she knew this, she couldn't stop her body from convulsing.


"Haa... ~ahh"




In a daze, she opened her eyelids.


Her eyes, expressing her strong will clouded by pleasure, were wet with tears.


With those wet eyes, she gazed vaguely at the darkness of the night.


But it was only until that moment that the tentacles stopped.


"Nn ~uu!?"


Her breasts were pressed against the ground, distorting their shape.


Frederica opened her eyes to the stimulation from her rich breasts.


"Stop!? Please stop!!"


Frederica still resisted loudly, although both her hands were weak, and can only resist by mouth.


No, it can no longer be called resistance.


She was only rejecting with her mouth, but her body was accepting the stimulation.


Her mouth made a charming sound, and her body convulsed, expressing pleasure.


Her body gave out and lost its resistance to pleasure.


"Breast, Just the breast! Only just from my breeeast!!"


Pressed to the ground and kneaded by the tentacles, she kept convulsing every time.


Was it due to the pleasure from the tentacles or from "pleasuring herself" by pressing her nipples against the ground herself? She didn't know.


An intense yet calm moment just before she came as though she's in a daze.

"Ah... Aaahh!!"

Again, Frederica's body convulsed greatly.


Shaking her lower body while convulsing again and again.


It's over. She was violated by a monster and climaxed twice only using her breast.



"Wha-, W-why!?"

The tentacles movement doesn't stop. It wouldn't stop.


Over and Over and Over. Frederica's chest was violated.


Her rich, sensitive, lewd breast and one of her weaknesses, were raped without a break.


There was nothing she could do.


Her body, which had been led to climax twice, ignored Frederica's will and became helplessly obedient.


She twitched, her breasts were kneaded and rubbing her nipples against the ground, her hips moved up and down as though she was seeking a man.


Even though she was still wearing her clothes under her robe, she was made to climax.


Along with the wet and sloppy sound coming from her undershirt, the only sound echoing through the mountain night was Frederica’s heavy breathing.

"Hi, hii―― haa, hii!?"


(Why!? How!?)

Certainly, Frederica's breasts were sensitive.


But this was a sexual feeling, something that was a normal physical phenomenon.


She should not have felt it, violated by a monster, held down against her will, shedding tears in humiliation, shamefully thrusting her ass out like some beast.


As her thoughts were distracted by the pleasure of her climax, she kept asking herself why and how.


Was she this obscene? Wrong.


Was she this sexually frustrated? Wrong.


Was there a part of her that wished to be pinned down like a beast? Wrong.


She kept asking herself those questions.

"No, no, nooo!!"

She shook her hips, rubbed her breasts on the ground as the tentacles knead them, and spat out a few words of rejection.


She was determined to keep resisting. If she was released, she would surely burn the slime to death without leaving a trace.


But at the same time, Frederica had not yet realized that her body was beginning to demand even more stimulation.


Since her second climax, her hips that were swaying as though inviting, or rather, demanding, the movement had only increased.


Her hips, which had only been swaying back and forth, were now moving in circles, inviting it.


Her eyes, which used to shine with a strong will, were now clouded with obscenity, tears shedding from the corner of her eyes.


It was not the face of a mage called Frederica, but the face of a woman.


Since there was no mirror, Frederica herself was unaware of it.



"Stop... alrea -y!!"

Sticking out her tongue and begging for forgiveness from the tentacle that was ravishing her breasts. Her tone of voice was beginning to change from resistance to pleading.


Her whole body convulsed, and she announced her climax not with her mouth but with her body, but still, she was pleading to make it stop.


Still, it does not stop.


The tentacles do not stop and continue to knead Frederica's abundant breasts under her robe.


As though to see how sensitive she could get and how many times she could cum.


The slime continued to examine Frederica's body.



Both Frederica's arms had already been released.


However, her hands were still numb and she would not be able to move for a while.


But that was not what Frederica was thinking about.

"...Nn, haa"

Her stuck-out ass shook slightly, and her body conveyed just how much pleasure she felt after climaxing.


But her voice no longer had any power.


Three times since then. A total of five times, she was made to cum, only with her breasts.


Her breasts had become so sensitive that they felt painful, and her nipples had grown to the size like the tip of her little finger.


The slime's breast torture finally stopped, understanding that Frederica's reaction had slowed down.


Her breasts were still bound by the tentacles, but the rubbing, kneading, and rape seemed to be over for the moment.


However, the dull ache that lingered and the inability to support her upper body, pressing her chest against the ground, caused her hips to tremble slightly.

"Haa, ah, haa... nn"


(It’s… o… ver…?)

As soon as she thought that, she remembered that her hips, sticking out, was still in a dog-like position, and she lowered her body to the ground in exhaustion.

"Nn, u!?"

Just as she was about to let go of her consciousness, a tentacle supported her waist.


She's not even allowed to rest.

"Uu... N-no, more"

However, the slime could not understand her words.


It was uncertain if it's possible to communicate with a monster in the first place.


......No, when Frederica pleaded so much, it still did not stop massaging her breasts, it probably could not understand her words.


While her hips were sticking out, the slime was trying to remove the belt of her pants.

(Eh... e-eh!?)

That was. The meaning of that was――

"Wai, eh... s-stooop!"

She thrashed her body that would not listen and tried crawling away to escape.


She did not even look like an adventurer anymore.


A weak and delicate woman trying to escape from rape.


That's exactly how she appeared.


Both of her hands would not move properly, and her overexposed body did not even try to resist the tentacles.


But still, the woman desperately tried to escape.


Her waist and her breasts were restrained by the tentacles, but she still tried to crawl away.


She was scared. Even terrified. Warning bells going off in her mind.


Just by her breasts. She had been forced to cum five times with just her breasts.


Even though she viewed the monster with disgust, fear, and hostility, she was still forced to cum.


No matter how much she refused, denied, or pleaded with it, it kept making her cum.

(No, no, no, no, no, no ! ! !)

She was violated.


By a monster. An enemy of the world that was viewed worse than a beast. By a monster that could satisfy a woman just her breasts


Surely, she would be violated again and again.


Even if she begged for forgiveness, even if she asked for help, even if she wished for help, the slime would continue to make her cum without a second thought.


Just by her breast. Just by her breast, it made her cum so much.


What if something like that violated her most tender area?

"No! Someone, someone, anyone!! Carl, Rig! Help, Heeelp!!"

She called out for help, driven by pure terror.


She was terrified.


Even though she knew that there was nothing she could do about it, she still refused it.


She had never thought of being violated by a monster, and surely no one else had ever even imagined such a thing.


That was the case, until now.


Therefore, no one knew about a monster's sexual desire.


But―― This monster. Even she knew that it was just a monster.


It was a monster that could make her cum again and again with just her breasts, no matter how much she cried out, it did not stop.


If someone like that ravished her――

"Haa, nn... no, n-no"

Her womb tingled hotly and strongly.


There was nothing she could do about it. Her body now knew the taste of the tentacles that were manipulated by the slime.


Even if her determination to kill this monster had already fractured.


She, Frederica, was still an adventurer and a mage.


No matter how much her body betrayed her, but her will as a mage has not yet broken.


Even if she could escape now. Surely, next time would――


With a click. The sound of the belt's clasp coming off reached her ears.

"N-no, no, no―― Please, s-stop!!"

She cried.


She cried like a little girl, like a virgin girl, crying while shaking her hips like a whore.


Her ass swayed to escape the tentacles as if inviting it.


Her body, expecting to be violated, twitched a little, anticipating it.

"Why!! Why!! Even though it's a monster…!!"

Frederica only spoke in absolute refusal.


However, the woman still had not realized.


Her body was no longer trying to escape and shook its ass lightly, waiting for the tentacles.


Her belt was untied, and her pants were lowered next.


Even in this, she seemed like an easy woman.


Magnificently covering her ass was a plain, yet feminine black pair of black panties.


Her crotch was already damp, despite not being touched yet.


She was made to cum with just her breasts and now her body was anticipating that extraordinary sexual skill.

"Please! I'm begging you―― please forgive meee!"

Her black panties were moved aside.


Her dark golden pubic hair, unkempt from its long journey, was wet with her love juices and stuck to her crotch.


Her genital area, even her hole between her ass tingled as though anticipating further stimulation. Frederica was ashamed.

"Please, please, please, please――――"

A tentacle with an average size for an adult male drew closer.


It then touched her pubic area as though kissing it.

"Please, don't."


But the slime doesn't stop.


Resistance was momentary. It's the first time after a week that her lower mouth swallowed something, she tightened as though to bite off the tentacle.

"Ahh―― haah, ahh!?"

(A lie, a lie lie lie lie!? It's in!? A monster, inside me!?)

Her mind was about to break.


Her heart was about to break.


Helpless despair occupied her heart.

"Ah, ah, ahh!?"

――An unexplained pleasure invaded the woman named Frederica.

(What is this? What is――)

It was just a single thrust, but it penetrated the "deepest part".


It was just one thrust to the entrance and it penetrated a place that most man would never be able to.


She couldn't stop her tears, tears of joy overflowed from her eyes.


Her mouth was reduced to a hole that was only capable of reporting her pleasure and her dignified expression became distorted in lewdness.


There was nothing she could do about it.


She knew it.


Frederica Rene could not win against this monster anymore.


That was, her body understood that.


Even if she escaped from this place and if she faced this slime again, she would surely submit to it.


She was violated many times. Just by her breasts, it was enough to make her surrender herself.


Though, she wouldn't admit it.

"Th, T-there, Th-- hi, nn!? Mmm... mweh s-stooop!?"

As though to match its thrusting movement, the tentacles that were restraining her breasts also began to move.


Kneading the breasts, stroking her nipples, she pressed her breasts against the ground on her volition.


Surely, if her hands were in perfect condition, she would have been able to press her breasts more strongly.

"Sto, hee... breasts, d-don't rub it strongly..."

She said words of resistance as though she wanted it to do more.


Sticking out her tongue like a dog and exhaled a short breath many times.


She no longer felt any disgust at the slime movement, which seemed to reflect Frederica's desire.


On the contrary, she swayed her hips in time with the tentacle, feeling some affection towards it.


She welcomed the monster's penis into the lower part of her body, still adorned with her black panties.


The lower half of her body, trained by her long adventures, tightened around the tentacle, and she banged her hips against it in an attempt to feel more pleasure.


In reaction, her breasts brushed against the ground, the mage's beautiful body felt more pleasure.


It had probably been less than five minutes since the tentacle was thrust into her.


And yet...

"I, nuuu――!?"

Frederica convulsed, informing her climax to the slime.


Her body twitched, again and again, drool flowing from her open mouth.


Her eyes aren't focusing on anything, and she just spat out meaningless words of pleasure after her climax.

"Aah――... uu, nn, aah..."

She convulsed. It's the most intense climax she ever had in her life.


A real woman's climax.




Her heart, her mind, her pride as an adventurer, her pride as a mage―― at this very moment, it was completely broken.

"Please... uu"

The slime's penis gently shook the lower part of her body that was still inside.


The wet sounds mixed with the slime mucus and her own love juice make reached her numbed ears.

"...Forgive me... already..."

At that moment, the tentacle penis slammed strongly.

"Oh, ho―― oh."

A blow struck at the entrance of her womb, her consciousness wavered.


Deep inside her body, A heat burst forth.


At that moment, the tentacle struck her womb again.


After that, she couldn’t even speak


One thrust made her cum, and again with the next one.

"Forgi... mee"

Again, the tentacles struck inside.


She begged for forgiveness.


Again, and again, and again...

"Forgive... me. Forgive, Forgive meee!!"

The slime does not stop even when Frederica lost her consciousness and her mouth just repeated the words unconsciously.


How many times had she cum already? How many hours was she violated?


Even so, Frederica was not released.


Her beautiful face was distorted by pleasure, tears flow from her eyes, snot from her nose, not to mention the drool from her mouth.


Her breasts were violated, her vagina was violated, and when she stopped responding, her anus was also violated.


But even so, Frederica continued to be violated.


At the moment, this slime had not yet acquired the ability to ejaculate.


It had no means for producing it, so it could not ejaculate.


Violate a woman, ejaculate, and impregnate her.


This was the purpose for its action, but the slime could not ejaculate.


That's why Frederica kept getting violated.


Until the time when the slime could ejaculate.


She was made to cum over and over and over again.


――By the time the sun rose, she was like a motionless doll.


Although she wasn't dead, the beautiful mage was broken.


That was the end of the woman named Frederica Rene.

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