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Inside the Cave of Obscenity (WN)

Episode 26:  Overrun

 Katsu, katsuー


The pebbles kicked by leather boots rolled and the sound echoed off the walls of the narrow abandoned mine, disappearing into the darkness.


The dusty air in the abandoned mine made it slightly difficult to breathe, and visibility was poor.


Even though the light source generated by magic was illuminated, one could only see a little further.


Dark abandoned mine. It used to be a prosperous area where a large amount of mithril was mined and sold as a material for armor, but after the war with the Demon King ended and the amount of mithril mined decreased, the mine was abandoned and now covered in cobwebs and dust.


In the darkness, there was a figure walking slowly, keeping a watchful eye on its surroundings.


As mentioned before, it was a group of people who had created a light source with mana.


Illuminated by the light source, it was difficult to make out even the smallest details of colors, but most of the people in the group, both men and women, were beautiful, except for one person, whose ears were not long and pointed.




People of the forest. Guardians of the green. One who heard the voices of spirits.


There were many names for them, but the most important was that they were the best in using magic in this world.


Amid the elves was a human figure.


At the head of the pack was an elven female knight and a human female knight.


Fiana and Alfira.


Behind them, the male knights followed. The men were all elves.


Each of them was slightly tense, but their expressions were relaxed. The two women, on the other hand, have tense expressions. Their steps were slow, and their hands on the swords hanging at their waists were more strained than necessary.


They were clearly nervous. And more than necessary.


"Almost there."


Fiana, the elven female knight, opened her mouth.


It had been several hours since they entered the abandoned mine. The air was stagnant and the sun was not visible in the abandoned mine, so it was hard to tell exactly how much time had passed, but from the fatigue and the number of steps she had taken, she knew how long and how far she had gone.


It was almost the place where Fiana confronted it in this abandoned mine and was attacked by the slime― Black Ooze.


Recalling that time, Fiana and Alfira were talking less and less.


On the way to this abandoned mine, they had been guided through the mine by Frederica and Satia, two adventurers who were supposedly missing, and had been defeated by the Black Ooze due to their betrayal.


But even though she was nervous, she was not afraid.


This time was different from that time.


Feeling the presence of the elven knights, not just Fiana, she inhaled slightly and exhaled softly, trying not to make a sound.


This time, she had elven knights who were good at magic, and above all, she knew about the existence of the Black Ooze.


It used magic, the mucus had a paralyzing poison, and it mimic the rock walls of abandoned mines.


"Here we are."


Fiana said, and they all stopped, circling on the spot. This was the place where Fiana and Alfira were attacked.


The place was still the same as it was then.


The destruction caused by Fiana's magic was still there, and the soldiers' armor had left there.


There were no bodies.


She didn't want to think about...... She understood that the corpses were eaten by the Black Ooze.


A normal slime would take in its prey and digest it over time. However, their digestive juices were not so powerful that they have trouble digesting clothes, let alone iron armor.


That was why slimes expelled the armors and clothes from their bodies and only take in and digest human corpses.


It would eat its prey it had taken into its body for nourishment...... Fiana explained that the slime they encountered in this abandoned mine was different.


She didn't know how... She could only explain that it was a mutant, but the Black Ooze took in the mass of the assaulted individual as it was, and it seemed to be expanding.


She didn't recognize it when she encountered it here, but at the far end of this abandoned mine...... a place full of mucus that was covering the entire wall. This was the place where it violated Fiana and Alfira, as well as Frederica and Satia, whom it had captured beforehand.


The mass of the slime was covering the entire place. Its presence.


That was not normal. It was not normal.


"But it's only just a slime"


One of the knights, a man wearing light armor and a circlet instead of a helmet, opened his mouth. He was the knight who accompanied Fiana and the other knights, and he was the commander of the operation.


Among the elves who were all beautiful men and women, the beautiful appearance that stood out was like that of a female, but his voice was definitely of a male.


Fiana gets a little annoyed at the sound of his voice.


"Don't underestimate this slime it would catch you off guard."


"It's you, isn't it?"


It was not a tone of mockery. The way he looked at Fiana was not condescending, but rather a matter-of-fact way of asking her to move on. He was just stating the facts.


However, even though he didn't mean to, Fiana and Alfira's gazes turned harsh.




"Then, please guide us to the deepest part."


He could not say anything more than that.


She had to explain to them that the slime was a being that violated and impregnated women, but there was no way she could explain such a thing to the opposite sex, let alone the same sex.


In the end, she couldn't say anything more and Fiana decided to move on.


Alfira stood next to her, and the knights follow them.


She did not collect the equipment of her subordinates.


Because it would only get in the way.


The knights were well aware of this. The enemy was a slime.


The weakest monster.


Even though they said so, they didn't want to add unnecessary baggage.


Elves were a long-lived race.


The knights in the place had known the threat of the demon king in the past and had experienced battles with monsters. This was why they never let their guard down, no matter how much of a threat they were.


No matter what they said with their mouths, in their hearts, they understood the threat of the monsters.


Fiana continued walking further into the darkness of the abandoned mine.


In the past, Fiana and Alfira were ambushed here. It was a large number of slimes that seemed to have been produced by the Black Ooze.


Fiana and the other knights. They knew that the slimes could use mimicry, so they were wary of their surroundings and read the flow of mana to detect the slime's presence.


However, not a single slime was caught in their detection. That meant that not a single slime was using mimicry.


As a test, Fiana poked at a rock with her sword, which was still in its sheath. But it was a real rock, and the only sound it made was a dry thud in the abandoned mine.


She continued down the abandoned mine, following the same steps they used when escaping from the Black Ooze, and after a while, they arrived at the deepest part of the mine.


In the darkness and along the intricate path, Fiana and the others were sweating on their foreheads and breathing slightly unevenly, even though they had not gone very far.


However, it was not so bad that they could not fight.


As they continued further in, they heard a familiar, eerie, sticky sound that they hoped they would never have to hear again.


As soon as she heard the sound, Alfira drew her sword to look ahead, and Fiana looked warily at the knights who were walking behind her.


The knights also pulled out their own weapons to guard their surroundings at the sight of Fiana's gaze and the strange noises reaching their ears. They were either swords, like Fiana and Alfira, or staffs.




One of the knights signaled with his hand, and they split into two groups, Fiana and the knight who had been talking to Fiana earlier.


Fiana and the others went on ahead, hiding their bodies behind the rocks and checking the far end of the abandoned mine. Alfira and the male knight stayed where they were to secure their exit.


Fiana and the others were looking at the same Black Ooze that had covered the entire wall at that time.


The authority of the place, illuminated by the sunlight shining through the cracks in the ceiling, was nothing short of sickening.


The muddy mucus rippled, thin sticky mucus dripped from the ceiling, and a strange odor was released in the area that she hadn't noticed earlier because it was covered in dust.


The most disgusting thing was that the mucus was 'alive'.


It was alive, and it was attacking its prey.


In the midst of that prey...... in the middle of a dimly lit sea of mucus, in the sunlight shining through the ceiling, two women were being violated.


Frederica and Satia.




The knights, who had been checking the deepest area with Fiana, gasped.


It was not because the women in the center of the space were completely naked. No, there may be some of that too...... but it was because the two of them were pleasuring themselves while being violated by the slime.


Their faces loosened up in pleasure, and they swayed their hips and let out charming noises as tentacles stretched from the surrounding mucus walls pierced their secret places.


From the sound of their voices, she could tell that they were nearing their limits.


Fatigue, malnutrition, and the mental distress of being trapped in an enclosed space.


For a variety of reasons, the two of them illuminated by the sunlight seemed pale enough that they looked bad even from a distance, and their physical reactions seemed weaker than when they were violated by the Black Ooze before.


"Let's go"




The knight beside her nodded at Fiana's words. The other knights nodded silently in agreement and responded.


She looked at Alfira and the others, who were guarding the path of their retreat.


She nodded silently, saying that it was okay at any time.


From there, her actions were worthy of being called God's speed.


As Fiana jumped out from behind a rock, tentacles extended from the surrounding walls with such speed that it was as though it had noticed her presence.


In an instant, the number of tentacles exceeded ten, then twenty, until it covered the entire field of her vision. It was also the second time Fiana had stepped into the innermost space.


However, before the tentacles could reach Fiana, a pale barrier was created in front of her. Illuminated by the sunlight leaking from the ceiling, white smoke from the pale barrier, a freezing air leaked out.


When the countless tentacles touched the barrier, it froze from the moment they touch it, then broke under its own weight and fell to the ground. However, the ground was also covered in mucus, but the knights didn't question what it was as they already understood.


Fiana froze every single tentacle that came towards her, and if attacking the front didn't work, it changed the direction of its attack to the side or back, but she also froze those tentacles to neutralize them.


Meanwhile, the tentacles stretched out to attack the other knights but they also froze it by using their magic, and the mucus covering the ground also slowly froze.


At first, it was the entrance to the deepest part, and from there, the area gradually expanded, and by the time Fiana froze over a hundred mucus tentacles, even part of the ceiling was frozen around the entrance.


This was the plan that Fiana had before entering the abandoned mine.


The usual way to kill slime was to burn it, but the mass of this slime was extraordinary. The plan was to freeze every last bit of it and then burn the entire abandoned mine to the ground.


It was a wild idea that could not even be called a strategy, and some of the knights, except for Alfira, wondered if it was necessary to go that far against the slime.


However, once they saw the deepest part, they could understand Fiana's nervousness and worry.


They couldn't believe that this thing was hiding out here. ――Fonteau, the land of the elves. If the slime was this large that it could cover a place that was larger than the Throne Room, the largest area in the royal castle.


Yes, they understood.


The five elf knights did their best to lower the temperature of the area. If this were outside the abandoned mine, the air would be cold, their breath would turn white, and the moisture in the air would have frozen.


The temperature of the place was lowered to such an extent that the Black Ooze was frozen at once.


At that stage, Frederica and Satia, who were being violated in the center of the place, were finally lowered to the ground―― the floor of mucus was frozen by the cold air.


The movement was gentle, it was trying not to hurt the mother, but Fiana did not notice.


She walked up to them, covering herself with a barrier of cold air.


She still didn't know if these two were the Black Ooze's companions, but she did know that they betrayed Fiana and Alfira.


After confirming that the two fallen women were still alive, she took off her jacket and covered it over the two naked women as a gesture of mercy.


She then picked them up in her slender arms and left the scene.


It was freezing. The stagnant black slime turned white.


The tentacles extending from the wall were reducing, and when they tried to escape through the gap in the ceiling, they blocked the exit.


The tentacles were frozen from the moment they move. The sunlight was blocked and the space was closed to darkness. She immediately used her magic to create a new light source, and a moment later, a tentacle from the stagnant mucus, even darker than the darkness, extended.


Even the surprise attack froze without reaching anyone.


It was not just Fiana who fought and struggled in the war before. There were five knights comparable to Fiana who were here.


In addition, if they were not careless, the current Black Ooze had no chance of winning. It could not even put up any kind of resistance.


In the blink of an eye, it froze, and finally, the entire area was completely frozen. The abandoned mine was surrounded by silence.


......It was too quick.


Fiana, holding Frederica and Satia, thought.


She wondered if it was this weak.


It violated women, absorbed their mana, and used magic. In the end, it was only just a slime.


However, she wondered if it was only just a slime...... They were taken by surprise, defeated, trapped, and violated, and she had developed a sense of dislike for it.


The battle was over, it was so easy than she had expected. It was now over.


Fiana, who was in a daze, was touched on her shoulder.


When she turned around, she saw one of the knights standing there. He was the male knight who had told Fiana and Alfira on the way that they were being too cautious.


"That is all the slime could do."




That was probably the truth.


However, it was too bland. It was stupefying... That was what she thought.


When she looked at Alfira, she too was stunned by the sheer stupidity of the situation.


"Let us take care of them. Even though we are raising our strength with mana, isn't it heavy?"


She was told to hand Frederica, who was wrapped in Fiana's jacket, to the male knight. She borrowed the cloak to wrap Satia's naked body and handed her to another male knight.


She was unconscious, but she was breathing. She was alive.


She's just passed out from extreme exhaustion...... or had she lost consciousness due to repeated climaxes?


There was no choice but to check after they wake up. And also, they may be pregnant.


Fiana thought that she would have to check if there were any other slimes in the area, and turned her gaze once more to the area.


"Then, as planned, we will completely seal off this place."


At the same time, the ground shook slightly.


It was not an earthquake. It was Fiana's magic that caused the place to collapse. There was no visible change, supported by the frozen Black Ooze, but the area around it collapsed, completely blocking any escape route.


The only thing that was safe was the path that Fiana and the others had just taken.


The abandoned mithril mine had completely collapsed and would never be used again. Even so, this slime was an enemy that had to be completely purified.


"Then I'll burn it."




The knights who were holding Frederica and Satia stepped back. At the same time, the place that had been cooled to the point that the mucus froze, was now enveloped in heat so hot that sweat broke out in their bodies.


In a flash, the ice melted and the Black Ooze resumed its movements.


Countless mucus tentacles formed, but this time, they evaporated faster than they could reach Fiana and the others.


The strange smell increased. It was the Black Ooze's scent, it was so dizzying due to it being burned and vaporized by the heat.


A dazzling mass of glowing flames was created in the center of the space, and the space was filled with enough heat to vaporize the mucus―― that was the end.




There was only one way out. By breaking the ceiling where she was standing.


A stationary fireball shining like the sun and the remnants of the Black Ooze were left behind in the enclosed place.


"Let's go back"


Quickly, Fiana and the others left the abandoned Mithril mine.


A short time after Fiana and the others left the abandoned mine, there was an explosion that partially changed the topography of the mountain. Black smoke stretched to the sky, distorting the white clouds and hiding the blue sky.




The carriage's wheels made a dry sound as it moved forward, the back of the carriage occasionally shaking because the wheels stepped on pebbles.


The sky seen from the carriage window was cloudy. It was a cloudy sky.


The sky was covered with gray clouds, but it didn't smell damp.


There was no sign of rain, but cloudy skies were a sign of bad luck in this world and were not considered a good thing.


The elven female knight "Fiana", who was sitting on the loading platform and looking up at the sky while the carriage was shaking, also sighed at the ominous sign that was said to be a natural order of this world.


As an elf who used to make a living by hunting in the forest, she had good eyesight and could see farther than humans could. She could already see the outer walls of the elven country of Fonteau.


She was finally back home.


She thought as she played with her fingers through her silver hair, which swayed in time with the rocking of the carriage. Without realizing it, she let out another sigh.


She was out of it.


She was finally able to come back after all that trouble. She breathed out a sigh of relief and sighed at herself for spacing out.


"Is everything all right?"


"Yes, It's fine."


She asked the knight sitting on the podium, and a crisp, clear voice came back to her. It was a young man's voice.


The knight, who was also an elf just like Fiana, could probably already see the outer wall surrounding the royal city of Fonteau. He was much more energetic than the other day, Fiana thought.


It would be so.


The subjugation of slime.


Even though it had the characteristic of violating and impregnating women, it was still the lowest and weakest monster. They had been away from the capital for more than ten days in order to subjugate it.


During the trip, they could not take a bath, and eating or drinking water was restricted.


Even though some preferred to go on a journey... Not many people tried to leave the royal capital.


Thinking about it, she looked at the people sitting in the back of the carriage.


There were two people on the coachman's seat that she just looked at, and six on the back of the carriage. The same age as Fiana... As an elf, she had lived for nearly a hundred years, but she still looked like she was in her mid-twenties, she even looked younger with her short stature and young face. There were two women who were not much older than Fiana, who looked to be in their mid-twenties. The first was Alfira, a purple-haired woman wearing knight armor.


And the other was Frederica, a former adventurer with dirty, murky blonde hair.


Finally, there was Satia, the smallest of the group, with silver hair and brown skin.


In addition, there were two male knights dressed in armor like Fiana and Alfira.


Frederica and Satia have iron shackles on their hands and weights on one leg to prevent them from escaping. They were dressed in fine clothes, but only just jackets. It was Fiana's clothes.


The two of them looked like criminals because of the iron shackles, but they had not actually committed any crime.


Fiana and the others were on a mission: to defeat the mutant slime...... the Black Ooze that had appeared at the deepest part of the abandoned mine. These were the women who were trapped by the slime that they protected during their mission to defeat it.


Even though they were held captive, they actually had a chance to escape, and Fiana and Alfira, who were once captured by the Black Ooze, knew what the Black Ooze was doing to them.


And they have experienced the act firsthand. Above all, these women betrayed them once. They deceived them.


She thought that they deserved what they were getting, and she was sure they would get what they deserve more...... but as a woman, she couldn't help but feel the same way.




She called out her name.


She already called out to her many times after leaving the abandoned mine.


She was in a state of exhaustion, or should she say collapse. Her face was pale and her eyes showed no light.


Even when she called her name, she didn't seem to respond, only occasionally turning her head to her. Even when she left her alone with Satia, who was also the same as her, she didn't talk to her or even showed any signs of trying to escape.


The two of them were like empty shells, different from when she first met them.


In particular, Satia, Fiana remembered calling the Black Ooze "Master" and "Master Alfred".


It was a man's name. The word "Master" and Satia's skin color...... brown skin was rare in the land of the elves. It was a common skin color found in slaves.


Alfred, Fiana thought, was probably the name of the adventurer who had purchased Satia. And then he was preyed upon by that Black Ooze.


From that point on, Satia might have been broken. She thought that the Black Ooze, who ate her master, was her master, and she was trying to serve him.


With that in mind, she averted her gaze from Satia, who remained silent in the back of the carriage.


Still, that thing was a monster. She couldn't leave it alive, and she couldn't leave Satia with that thing.


As she muttered in her mind that she had no choice but to do what she did, then the carriage passed several travelers.


The royal capital of Fonteau was getting closer, and the number of travelers seemed to be increasing.


The largest and most prosperous city in the land of the elves. The royal capital.


There were many things to think about, but the problem had been solved. She thought about that and forced herself to think positively. Even though she thought about it too hard, there was nothing she could do right now.


The best she could do was to take care of the lifeless Frederica and Satia. She couldn't just leave them to the male knights.


Before she returned to the capital before, she bathed in the river they found on the way, took care of their meals, and stayed with Alfira until they fell asleep.


Although they have not yet arrived safely at the royal capital, her heart was still relieved.


The same goes for Alfira.


Her expression was still tense, but sometimes she was spacing out just like Fiana.


The same was true for the other knights.


It was a triumphant return after subjugating the monster. The people living in the capital were not informed of the details, so they would not be praised by anyone, but they still return to the capital with the medal of having defeated another threat to the world in their hearts.


She didn't become a knight to be praised or respected.


What they were riding in, was a carriage used when the threat of the Demon King was still looming. A threat to the world. She became a knight in order to defeat the monsters.


And so, the carriage moved forward in silence.


The sound of the carriage's wheels rolling, pebbles flying, people talking on the road and the slight breathing of the people on the back of the carriage.


Time passed by as she felt these things, and they arrived at the royal capital.


It was so big that she had to look up at the thick iron doors on the outer walls, which had been built to guard against monsters.


Originally, Fonteau, the royal capital of the elves, was a simple structure surrounded by a wooden fence.


It was the husband of Leticia, the current queen of Fonteau, who changed that. He was a hero, a savior summoned from another world.


After subduing the monsters, he complained about the construction of Fonteau and used the backing of Queen Leticia to persuade the ministers to rebuild the royal city.


Originally, the country's population had been decimated by the Demon King and his monsters, and it had become lifeless and in need of work.


They found hope in the great project of rebuilding the royal capital, got jobs, and were eager to create a lively "new country" with their own hands.


The people of the country, who had been apathetic, regained their vitality and began to think and act on their own in the middle of rebuilding the royal capital.


He cultivated the fields that had been devastated by monsters, built a village on it, started a family, and had children.


The hero married the queen, and Fonteau was transformed into a new country, both in name and reality.


It was not just a land of elves.


The land of elves and humans. The land of saviors. The land of heroes.


At the root of it all was the effort of everyone who lived in this country. Even though the hero's words were what started it all, it was the efforts of the elves and humans living in this country that rebuilt the royal capital.


――They wondered if the hero had thought that far.


With that in mind, the ministers who lived in this country sometimes even felt frightened.


Perhaps the hero was a genius at manipulating people.


Even those people who felt that they should not rely on humans may have been manipulated to build a country for people and elves to live together.


These were the confessions that she heard from time to time in the temple built in the royal castle.


That was the royal capital. A royal capital created by the hero.


The entrance to the city, a thick iron door, was opened during the day and closed at night.


The demon king was gone, and the number of monsters had decreased, but they have not been completely eradicated yet.


It was opened during the daytime, and travelers on the roads and merchants traveling in carriages like Fiana and the others were smiling as they made their way to the royal capital.


To pass through, one would need a pass issued by the administration of the royal capital, but it was not that difficult to obtain.


One must provide proof of identity, the adventurer's guilds and nobles in the outlying villages as well as the royal capital would issue them.


In a world where monsters were becoming fewer and fewer, the new job of the knights was to arrest those who abuse the system.


Capturing the bad guys.


The world was changing little by little.


The world that used to be terrified of the Demon King and his monsters was now a world where people judge those who did evil.


A carriage passed through the gate into the royal city.


After a while, the horse pulling the carriage stopped in its tracks.


The guard in the gate stopped the horse to check the luggage. The voice of the guard could even be heard at the back of the carriage.


The soldier who was about to check the luggage on the back of the carriage looked surprised when he saw Fiana and the knights. Then, he saluted with a panicked gesture.


"Thank you for your hard work."


The faces of Fiana and some of the knights were well known even to ordinary soldiers.


Fiana in particular, with her good looks and ample breasts that didn't match her small frame, was often regarded with a sense of faith among the soldiers.


This soldier seemed to be one of them, someone Fiana knew. He was nervous, and his hands were shaking as he saluted. His expression and his mouth were tense.


Fiana smiled at the soldier to relieve his tension.


However, it seemed to have the opposite effect, and the soldier, more nervous than before, left the place with his mouth twitching.


Another soldier who was with her said, "No problem," and they let them pass.


The back of the carriage shook slightly and it began to move forward again.


Fiana looked at Frederica and Satia for no apparent reason. Alfira, who got off the coachman's seat, sat next to Fiana and looked at Frederica and Satia.


They would take them to the royal castle and examine them in the infirmary and probably discuss what would happen to them.


They were violated by a monster...... and were probably carrying the monster's child.


What would happen to these two women... Even Fiana didn't know. Would they be released after cleansing their womb, or would they be imprisoned?


Whatever the process, Frederica and Satia once tricked Fiana and Alfira...... killing the knights who went with them to that abandoned mine.


It was their intention to do so.


"It's finally over, isn't it?"




Subjugating of monsters. Fiana thought that even though she had killed countless monsters in the past, but this was the hardest for her.


It violated women. A monster that could impregnate.


It was a new breed of monster that was born because the demon King was not around, she thought.


A new species of monster that had mutated in order to avoid being destroyed. A new species. A new existence.


There might be similar monsters that would be born in the future and she shuddered while thinking about that. As a knight who protected the country, and as a woman.


With that in mind, she wondered if the carriage had reached the middle of the street, halfway to the gates of the royal capital and the royal castle of Fonteau.


The street was lined with many stalls, restaurants, armor shops, and inns. The street was overflowing with people living in the capital and was difficult for carriages to navigate during the daytime hours.


The horses pulling the carriages naturally slowed down and gradually changed to a slower speed...... At that time, Satia, who had not responded to any of her calls, shivered slightly.


Her shoulders trembled and her gaze went to the window.


"What's wrong?"


Alfira walked up to her and called out to Satia.


Fiana looked once at Frederica to check her reaction, but there was no visible change in her.


She then looked out the window of the carriage, just like Satia.


The street of the royal capital was crowded with people. It was a familiar scene, but...


(...There are many knights?)


She noticed that the knight's appearance was suspicious to be moving around, mixed with the soldiers who usually patrol for crime prevention.


Fiana, who felt disturbed by Satia's reaction, called out to the male knight sitting on the coachman's seat to stop the carriage.


The horses stopped.


Then Frederica also shook her shoulders. It was not a reaction to the carriage that had stopped.


"Satia-san !?"


Alfira's voice.


The other knights' eyes turned to her.


Satia was holding her abdomen in agony, breathing hard, and sweating profusely like a waterfall. Fiana hurriedly approached her and put her hand on her forehead.


"She doesn't have a fever."


She couldn't believe that she was just feeling sick. She left Satia to Alfira, and Fiana went towards Frederica.


After a while, Frederica began to suffer just like Satia did. She was holding her abdomen in pain, sweating and moaning.


Looking at her abdomen, Fiana let out a small gasp.


In the morning or rather, until now, Frederica's thin abdomen was now slightly swollen, and unfortunately, she saw something move on her swollen abdomen.




A slime child―― before she could even say the word, a scream went up outside the carriage.


"Alfira, don't let them out of your sight!"


With her beloved sword in hand, Fiana jumped out of the carriage.


In a corner of the busy street, a woman screamed again. It was a little further away―― It was in the direction of a famous restaurant in the capital.


"What happened!?"


A few male knights also jumped out of the carriage, a moment behind Fiana.


"I don't know, there was a scream..."


She moved her feet fast. She ran in the direction of the scream.


She didn't know what was going on. But the people, startled by the sudden scream, ran in the opposite direction of where the scream came from.


There were many people, but not enough to fill the entire street.


The fleeing people ran and avoided Fiana and the carriages. Fiana's eyes followed them, and a few male knights who were following her went against the flow, leaving Fiana who was still running.


Fiana ran and made her way through the crowd, one of the stalls had been "destroyed".


It must have been a store selling ornaments. She could see finely crafted silver ornaments strewn across the stone-paved street.


And then, in direct contrast to the beautiful shine of the silver―― so dark and stained that it swallowed up the sun's radiance―― was the sight of a giant slime.


It was a slime.


She didn't know where it came from...... but the slime, which boasted a massive physique that still had plenty of room to swallow an adult man, was swallowing a man who was a street vendor.




Immediately, the knights pulled out their swords or staffs that were hanging from their waists and held them up.


"How could there be a slime here!?"


Fiana also drew her sword and pointed the tip of it at the slime. She was about to activate her magic at once and freeze it, but she hesitated when she finally noticed that there was a man inside the slime.


The man trapped inside the slime was still alive and was struggling to escape.




One of the knights clicked his tongue, and everyone jumped back in different directions from where they had been earlier.


At the same time, the slime's tentacles slammed into the spot where they had just been standing. The tentacles shattered from the shock due to striking the cobblestones ground, and the mucus splattered.


The knights, who had heard from Fiana that the mucus was poisonous and had a paralyzing effect, used their shields and swords to block the liquid and kept their distance.


"Help me!"


The scream came from a man who appeared on the surface of the slime.


It was a hostage.


The slime had 'learned' that if the man was alive, they couldn't attack the slime, so it let him breathe so that he wouldn't die.




The people who were unlucky enough to escape were touched by the slime's liquid and fell to the ground.


There were more than a dozen of them.


With just a single drop, that many people were paralyzed.


Fiana immediately rushed to the side of the fallen people. She checked their condition, but it was not strong enough to kill them because the droplets they had in contact with were very small.


However, before she could check in detail, the slime released tentacles from its huge body and struck again.


The blow, which was powerful enough to crack the cobblestone ground, shattered again, sending poisonous liquid flying.


The street was full of knights, including Fiana. However, many people were hungry for entertainment and stimulation in the peaceful world after the demon king was defeated.


The people who were peeking out from the shadows of the buildings, curious to see what would happen, were hit by the liquid and screamed. Then other people near or in hiding were also curious to see what had happened.


Each time, the number of paralyzed people increased. ――More and more people were getting in the way of the battle.


There was no way they could fight while protecting all of them, and Fiana and the others had no choice but to take a defensive stance.


At the very least, she could freeze the tentacles being struck to prevent further injuries, and solidify them to stop the damage.


"That's... Fiana-dono!!"


Meanwhile, the knights who had been patrolling the street that they had seen in the carriage earlier, gathered here. Unbeknownst to Fiana and the others, it was the group of knights that Queen Leticia had dispatched to search for the slime that had entered the royal capital.


They must have been organizing their numbers, which were close to twenty.






A scream rose from these knights.


A new slime appeared, destroying the restaurant on the street. This one was also huge, almost reaching the ceiling of the restaurant.


It was so huge that he wanted to shout at the top of his lungs and ask where that huge body had been hiding.


Another slime appeared, destroying a house on the other side of the street.


"We couldn't find it no matter how much we searched for it!?"




The knight screamed. It was a female voice.


Not only men but also female knights must have joined the search. From a group of nearly twenty knights, a knight was grabbed by the ankles with a tentacle and lifted into the air as though it was fishing.


She was dressed in the same kind of robe just like with Fiana, but because she was held by her legs, she was hung upside down and her lower body was completely exposed.


Her slender elven legs and the light purple underwear that protected her private parts were exposed to the light of day, staining her porcelain-white skin.


"Wait, you pervert!?"


She quickly focused her concentration on the tentacle that grabbed her ankle and burned it at once.


A strange odor that made her nose twitch, and hot air that made the atmosphere sway like a heat haze. The slime's tentacle was instantly burned off, and the female knight, who had exposed her purple underwear, was pulled by the gravity and fell to the ground.


One male knight who was trying to support her was struck from the side by another tentacle. It was not a whip, but rather an extremely thick log that struck him, and he was blown to the side without being able to withstand the impact.


With its momentum, it destroyed the wall of the house, crashed through it, and disappeared from everyone who saw it.


A fifth giant slime emerged from the house where the male knight was blown away.


The female knight, who had positioned herself in the air, landed on her knees on the ground.


At the same time, a spear of ice appears around her.


Magic―― the ice spear was released without hesitation, however, it shattered as though it hit an invisible wall in midair, and the shards were released towards the knights.


Wind magic―― the magic that the Black Ooze in the abandoned mine was so good at.


Fiana, who was familiar with the magic, immediately activated her wind magic as well and blew away the ice bullets that attacked them like hail.


"No way, this slime――!?"


She could not think of any slime that used magic, other than the Black Ooze that they subjugated in the abandoned mine.


If that was the case, could these giant slimes be the offspring of the slime from the abandoned mine? That thought immediately popped into her head, but she didn't have time to think about it.


The slime that had first captured the street vendor in its body sprouted new tentacles. There were five of them.


Up, down, left, right. The male knight by Fiana's side put up an ice barrier to block the tentacles that were released erratically from all directions.


This was the magic that Fiana used when she blocked the Black Ooze tentacles in the abandoned mine.


As at that time, when the mucus tentacles touched the barrier, they froze and broke, and shattered due to their own weight.


The tentacles could now be incapacitated―― thinking that, Fiana and his colleagues thought so, but a new slime appeared... this time, a tentacle that was more than two times thicker than before was formed.


"Fuu, that's no use."


The male knight opened his mouth.


He was surprised that they could use magic, but then again, monsters were dumb―― One could almost hear the mockery in his voice.


In fact, no matter how thick it was, the paralyzing poison was useless if it was frozen―― but the slime swung its thick tentacles up as though it were holding a sword above.




It got thicker. The more the light from the sun was covered, the bigger the tentacles formed.


Looking up at it, the man jumped to the side. Fiana and others jumped sideways as well.


The tentacles, boasting an overwhelming mass, slammed into the ground. The cobblestones shattered and stone fragments splattered along with the tentacle.


Unlike the droplets, the stones have a certain amount of mass to them―― and they vary in size, some of which could cause serious injury if they were hit directly, and some of which were sharp.


It could not be prevented by the barrier, and the knights had no choice but to protect their faces with their armored hands.


At that moment. The moment they took their sight off of the slime.


Another giant tentacle came―― this time, a horizontal sweep.






Fiana and the others were blown away by the tentacle that engulfed the nearby houses. They could not protect themselves from a massive blow.


Due to the effect of the frozen barrier that had been applied in a wide area, it could not freeze it entirely, but instead, the attack was transformed into a massive blow of ice that distorted the armor of the knights, some of which was cracked.


"Ga, haa"


Several knights vomited blood.


It was a blow that distorted their armor, even though they were protected by it. The body inside could not endure it.


Their bones and internal organs were damaged, and they were bleeding out.


"Are you okay?"


Was it luck, or did the slime just avoid her? Fiana, whose wounds were relatively light, called out to the knight who was vomiting blood beside her.


No matter how she looked at it, it was not okay.


It would be impossible for them to fight further.


Thinking that, she looked up. It seemed that they were blown away inside a house. She could see what was going on outside through a large hole in the stone wall that must have been made when Fiana and the others were blown away.


The number of giant slimes was increasing with each passing moment.


There were already more than ten of them. While she was thinking about it, the slimes seemed to be gathering from all over the royal capital.




Fiana stood up, holding the debris where she had been blown away with her hand.


While worrying about the fallen male knights, she made her way to the roof of the house. Fortunately, the house was a two-story building, and she was able to move up the stairs to the second floor and out the window to the roof with ease.


"Why is this..."


What she saw was an impossible scene...... and she didn't want to admit it.


More than a dozen giant slimes surrounded the house where Fiana was now―― these giant slimes were appearing all over the royal capital.


Black smoke was rising, probably due to the fire magic that was released to burn the slime.


It wasn't just the knights.


All of the adventurers and wizards who were in the capital may have been trying to defeat them, but it still wasn't enough.


The number of slimes was innumerable.


There were more than ten, twenty, or even a hundred of them, and the capital was overflowing with giant slimes that could swallow a whole house, let alone a person.




Her thoughts were almost crushed by despair. She didn't know what to do. She couldn't think straight. On the roof of the house, Fiana dropped the sword in her hand.


The strength drained from her hands.


Fiana didn't know it, but more than ten thousand people were living in the royal capital. The slime that had been absorbing the waste and leftovers that flowed through the sewers of the city every day.


The amount of leftover food produced by tens of thousands of people every day was quite large, and the wastes were nothing but food for the slime.


The slime's mass was increasing, and it had already grown to the point where it could envelop the royal capital.


Moreover, the slimes had multiplied and were using women's bodies, and the number of slimes had become as large as the people living in the royal capital.


Even though she didn't know this fact, this scene would make anyone feel despair.


This was a country where the hero had lent his strength and knowledge and was about to reach the peak of its prosperity. A country that was beautiful, full of smiles, and warm.


Fonteau, the land of the elves.


It was now being overrun by black, murky, horrifying slimes.


As Fiana watched, buildings were being destroyed, screams were being raised, and people were running for their lives. It was the very scene she had experienced when the Demon King had existed.


The end of the country that was attacked by monsters. The scene of the country that was being destroyed by monsters.


...She bit her lips.


At the same time, she now noticed that there were screams all over the capital. Most of them belong to women, and Fiana knew what that meant.


As she tried to jump in the direction of the screams, the knights who were blown away downstairs with Fiana screamed.


First, she would go to the nearest scream.


With that in mind, She went down to the first floor of the house.




There were already knights who were unable to move because of their injuries, covered in the same black mucus...... Black Ooze.


Even their heads were covered in mucus, and they would soon die because they could not breathe―― but the only way to defeat the slime was to burn it with fire or temporarily freeze it so that it could not move.


Once a person was trapped inside the slime, there was nothing they could do about it.


In despair, Fiana felt her strength drain from her body. She didn't understand how this happened.


In the meantime, the slimes continued to overflow from the cooking area of the home―― the drainage pipe that led to the sewer.




Finally, Fiana realized that the slimes were in the sewer.


But it was too late.


There was almost no way to resist the slime that had grown so large. The only thing left to do was to blow up the entire royal capital with the help of Leticia, the Queen of the Elves, who possessed extraordinarily powerful magic that could defeat the Demon King.


No, she didn't know if that was even possible.


With that in mind, Fiana broke through the window glass and went outside.


Outside, the other knights had formed a circle in the middle of the street and were surrounded by giant slimes, protecting each other's backs.


Fiana, who was the only one outside that formation, thought quickly.


How could they break out of this situation?


The situation was hopeless, but there were still nearly twenty knights. As far as she could see from the roof earlier, the slimes have not reached the royal castle yet.


That meant that the Queen who killed the Demon King, the strongest individual in the country, was safe.


If Queen Leticia was safe, they could turn the tables―― no matter how slim the possibility was, if the possibility was not zero, they could still have hope.


"Fiana, behind you!"


It was when she took the first step to join the knights.


One of the male knights shouted at her.


――She couldn't afford to look back, and she rolled on the ground. The armor hit the ground and her body was in pain.


Before she could even open her mouth to the pain, she was yanked off her left foot as she tried to get up.


When she looked at it, she saw dark, stagnant mucus...... slime tentacles entwined around the top of her footpads. In addition, a new slime crawled out of the gap that Fiana had made when she jumped out.




With no time to resist, Fiana was suspended in the air, just like the female knight did earlier.


A robe with a hanging front, like that worn by a nun, was pulled by gravity down over her face, exposing her lower half, which had ample flesh for an elf.


Her legs and white underwear were exposed. A white garter belt that matched her underwear and rugged footpads hide her supple, tight thighs and calves. And then there was the white underwear that wrapped around the pubic mounds at the base of her leg, which cast an arousing shadow. The thin cloth with a luxurious design showed a sensual bulge filled with luster.


Although it was only sticking due to sweat, the bold exposure of her underwear still made Fiana's long ears, which were unique to elves, turn red up to their tips, and she immediately tried to cover her lower body by holding the front hanging down with her hands.


It was a womanly reaction due to shame, it was uncharacteristic of a knight.


It was a bad move, and both arms were subsequently caught by the slime's tentacles wrapping around the armor.


She was hanging upside down, with one leg and both hands caught in by the slime, exposing her body to the knights in front of her.


The only thing that was safe was one of her legs, and she struggled to hide her lower body with it, but there was no way she could do anything about that.


"Such thing!?"


The tentacle then moved dexterously to peel off the armor that protected Fiana's upper body. It was not by force, it was not by brute force.


It unclasped the hook properly and stripped off Fiana's armor. Fiana was shocked by its actions, and while she was stunned, the armor was finally removed.


The armor, pulled by gravity, fell on the ground, making a high-pitched sound.


Her ample breasts were exposed.


The gravity pulled her breasts towards her neck, and they swayed as her leg was covering her lower body.


"Take your positions!!"


A man's voice. At the same time, the tentacles that were holding Fiana's legs were frozen, easily shattering with the slightest pressure on her legs. Fiana froze the tentacles on her arms, and when she was free in the air, she adjusted her position before falling to the ground.


The armor that had been removed was left as it is as she rolled on the ground to meet up with a group of knights. On the way, as she passed a knight with a staff, he threw a spare sword beside her and she stood up, drawing it from its sheath.


"Thank you for your help."




She looked around.


Even now, the hordes of the Black Oozes that she was used to seeing in the dark and stagnant mithril mine were increasing in number. It was difficult to count how many of them there were, as they were so huge that they could destroy houses in the capital.


"Over there is the carriage we came in!"


"I understand!"


It was the voice of one of the subjugating team who had rushed to the scene with Fiana.


They would escape in a carriage and decide to ask Leticia's orders at the royal castle while forming a circle.


"We should evacuate the people..."


"No, that slime is special―― the women should head towards the royal castle."


A female knight whose leg was grabbed by a slime that appeared from a private house earlier shouted it out, but Fiana stopped her.


The female knight made a dumbfounded expression when she heard Fiana's words. The sword clad in ice magic shattered the tentacles as it froze them.


While she was being amazed at the sharpness of the sword, she was wondering if she should explain the reason.


She thought that if she told them that the slime was multiplying by impregnating women, it would be unlikely that they would believe her, and she might just confuse them even more.


In addition, from their current reaction, she understood that these knights have not been informed about the slime.


If that was the case, she thought, it would be best to let them concentrate on fighting and not say anything else.


"Women, come here! Everyone, please keep calm and prioritize stopping the slimes and help the citizens!"


The number of female knights, including Fiana, was four.


As the women rushed out of the way, the slimes took advantage of the gap in the collapsed formation to extend their countless tentacles.


A single slime had a body as huge as a one-story house...... and there were more than ten of them, with tentacles extending from the surface of their bodies, they could attack from a long distance and with a speed rivaling a gun.


Several male knights put up an ice barrier, and the other knights cut off and crushed the "frozen tentacles" that passed through the barrier.


A few of them headed towards Fiana and the others, but they were also neutralized by the female knights.


They passed through the slimes and arrived at the carriage where Alfira was waiting.


The horse was safe, and there was no one standing guard on it. Perhaps the knights had gone to help the people, or perhaps they had gone to defeat the slimes.


Seeing that, Fiana sat down on the coachman's seat without hesitation, while the other knights jumped onto the back of the carriage.


There was no time to search and wait. Right now, her instincts were telling her that she needed to get away from this place as soon as possible.


"Let's get out of here!"


Without waiting for a response, she grabbed the reins and gave them a powerful shake to send the horse into motion.


The horse, which was not surprised by the appearance of the slime, accelerated at once. The carriage galloped at a tremendous speed over the well-maintained, but still slightly uneven ground.


The wooden carriage rattled and shook, and Fiana, who was sitting on the coachman's seat, was almost knocked off.


Keeping her head down, she adjusted her balance and put all her strength into her body to keep from being knocked off.


Her ample breasts supported by her clothes and underwear, which were exposed when her armor was removed earlier, swayed up and down, left and right, as the carriage shook.


When she frowned at the dull ache of her swaying breasts, her eyes widened.


The path of the carriage. A house on the side of the main street... The stone wall cracked. What overflowed from the cracks was a black liquid―― a sticky slime body fluid.


"Grab onto something so you guys don't get knocked off!!"


She shouted without looking at the back of the carriage and pulled the reins to the left as hard as she could.


The horse neighed and whinnied in protest, and veered to the left. As a reaction, the sword beside her fell off, and she heard the high-pitched clang of metal.


Shortly after that, a house collapsed as the slime mucus overflowed where the carriage was supposed to go. The road was blocked by the pillars supporting the house and pieces of the stone wall.


As the carriage passed right next to it, the slime reacted to the movement and extended its tentacles. The roof of the carriage was blown off in one swipe of the tentacles.


However, she still managed to escape, and Fiana regained her grip on the reins.


Screams came from all over the capital.


Most of them were women's voices.


Some of the women were trying to run towards the carriage but were grabbed by the tentacles.


Fiana tried to pull on the reins to help the women. However, stopping the carriage here would not help.


Every time she saw someone running away, without exception, they were grabbed by the slime's tentacles.


The men were taken into their bodies, and the women were rendered helplessly by the paralyzing poison and robbed them of their movement. She didn't even need to think about what would happen after that.


Fiana and Alfira knew this firsthand.


Now she had to inform Queen Leticia of the situation as soon as possible, obey her orders, and think of a way to eradicate the slimes.


Elves were good at magic, but they didn't have the mana or magic to burn or freeze all the slime, which was massive enough to overrun the royal capital where thousands or tens of thousands of people lived. She was sure that even if all the elves in the capital were to combine their mana to use grand-scale magic, it would be impossible.


Fiana was thinking that even Leticia had a limit and could only burn a portion of the royal capital at best.


Still, the only person that could do something about this situation was Leticia, the Queen of the Elves. The companions of the hero who had defeated the Demon King... One of them, In hope that one of them could do something about the situation, Fiana was hoping.


That was why she was driving the carriage to the royal castle...... However, she noticed that she could not hear any voices from the back of the carriage for a while now.


The sound of the carriage was too loud, but it was still odd that they didn't say a word to her, considering the situation, still holding the reins, she looked back while feeling a bad premonition towards it.


The roof was blown off by the slime that they had just passed earlier, and the cart was half destroyed. But she could hear the wheels rolling on the road of the street, so she knew that the shape was still okay.


It was not like the knights on the carriage had been shaken off.


The knights, Alfira, Frederica, and Satia who were originally on board, and the female knights who got on earlier did not speak out.


The two former adventurers, the lower half of their bodies were being violated by the Black Ooze―― No, perhaps they were being held by tentacles extending from their private parts.




The scene was so bizarre that Fiana was at a loss for words.


Even though she was driving a carriage, her face was facing at the back and her body was frozen, her small body was bouncing up and down as the carriage rocked and recoiled.


"Fi, a... he, lp"


She didn't hear her voice. But she could tell by the movement of her lips what she had said.


The female knights were lying on the floor of the carriage, their bodies deprived of freedom by the paralyzing poison. The tentacles extending from the pubic region of the two adventurers held their bodies in place to prevent them from falling off the carriage.


And Alfira's condition, who had originally been on the back of the carriage―― was nothing short of miserable.


Her clothes were torn off, and all that remained were her armor from the shoulders down and the trousers that only covered her legs from the knees down. The armor was already nowhere to be found on the back of the carriage and had probably fallen off when Fiana drove the carriage.


To keep her from screaming, a very thick tentacle, the size of a grown man's arm, was placed in her mouth, and her vagina and anus were pierced with tentacles that were not as thick as the ones that covered her mouth but were thicker than any male penis Fiana had ever seen.


Alfira, who was held slightly above the floor of the carriage, was shaken violently by the up-and-down motion of the tentacles, which was different from the shaking of the carriage, and her exposed breasts were shaking up and down and side to side.


Her eyes were streaming with tears, her mouth was spilling a sticky fluid that could not be described as drool or slime mucus, and the slime's semen that had already been poured out was overflowing from her pierced vagina and anus.


Although she had only been away from the carriage for a short time, Alfira's condition was as though she had been violated for hours.


It made Fiana feel dizzy and she almost lost consciousness. But she bit her lip, and the pain held her together.


She grabbed the reins with her right hand and directed her left hand to the back of the carriage―― to the tentacles that held Alfira.


She focused her concentration. In a fit of rage, she tried to freeze the other tentacles, but in the blind spot of Fiana's vision, a new tentacle appeared through the floor of the carriage and wrapped itself around her thin, white arm.


The filthy black mucus wrapped and stained her arms. The feeling gave Fiana goosebumps and she hurriedly pulled her arm away.


The tentacle was easily torn off, but the torn mucus crawled up on Fiana's arms as though it had a will of its own. The disgusting feeling made Fiana reflexively try to pull it off by shaking her hand.


However, after shaking her arms several times, her entire body lost power... Her body weakened in no time and leaned her body against the backrest of the seat.


For a reason different from nervousness, her breathing was disturbed, her heart was beating fast, and she was gasping for air. She was not getting enough oxygen. She tried desperately to move her throat to breathe, but the breathing she had been able to do without thinking was now difficult.


It was the paralyzing poison that had been used on her in the abandoned mine.


Her entire body was weak, and she couldn't even speak, let alone lift a finger.


The carriage, which Fiana was driving, was still running down the street.


The people who had come running to ask for help were unable to approach the carriage due to its speed, and when they stopped, they were grabbed by the tentacles of the slime.


"Ku... h..."


If she didn't do something, The carriage was going to run over someone.


Her body was paralyzed, but she still had one hand on the reins. she tried to pull on the reins to slow down the horse's speed, but she couldn't do it. She could only put a little strength in her hand as she held the reins.


While doing so, the horse was accelerating, and the lack of strength in her entire body caused Fiana to cower in fear.




A new tentacle entangled itself in Fiana's thin neck.


It was not to weaken her with paralyzing poison but to restrain her, as the tentacles entwined around her neck, shoulders, and elbows.


She tried to scream at the unpleasant feeling of the tentacles directly touching her skin, but she was too paralyzed to even speak.


Fiana was also held by the tentacles on the carriage that was still running forward while the others were still on the back.


When she was carried to the back of the carriage, the other female knights were also in a messy situation.


Their armor was removed, their clothes loosened, and their skin peeked out due to their disordered clothes. The knights wearing skirts had their legs spread wide open, exposing their underwear, while those wearing pants had their pants pulled down to their knees.


Fiana was wearing a monastic dress with a plunging front, and the plunging front was rolled up boldly as though it were turning up her skirt.


When her high-quality silk underwear was exposed, her cheeks turn red with shame.


The female knights also let out a muffled scream as their colorful underwear was exposed. Their voices were so faint and weak that they were inaudible due to the paralyzing poison.


They were drowned out by the sound of the carriage and could not be heard by anyone except for those who were here.


Fiana moved her neck, which was slightly loose, and looked at Frederica and the others.


The two female adventurers, with slime tentacles extending from their private parts, did not appear to be conscious, however.


They had been terribly exhausted when they were rescued from the abandoned mine, and she didn't know if it was correct to say that they had given birth to slimes...... but they must have run out of energy in their situation. Their eyes reflected nothing, and they seemed to have fainted.


While she was thinking about it, the tentacles holding Fiana split into several branches.


As she looked at it, wondering what it was going to do to her, the newly generated tentacle smashed the coachman's seat.


With just one blow, the wooden but well-built coachman's seat was smashed and the horse was released.


The horse, freed from the carriage, ran straight ahead but was grabbed and preyed upon by another tentacle from Fiana's sight.


The carriage lost its speed little by little and finally stopped without reaching the royal castle.




Despair welled up in Fiana's chest.


Her body could not move, but her consciousness was strong. What she saw with her eyes was real, and she understood that the situation was out of her control.


If her body was free, she would not have resisted this slime but would have shivered from her core.


It was a hellish scene.


The sight of such a beautiful cityscape being overrun by the huge monster and the weakest slime ever despised by anyone.


Houses were being destroyed, people were being absorbed into their bodies, and women were being raped.


Such a scene of despair filled her vision.




It was not humiliation, shame, or anger, but a pure, heartfelt sadness that brought tears to her eyes.




The slime slowly and gently lowered Fiana, who was crying, onto the back of the carriage.


Her legs were opened with her front rolled up, as though to emphasize her pure white underwear, but she felt no shame.


Next to Fiana, Alfira, who had already been defiled, was placed next to her. She was made to open her legs in the same way as Fiana, emphasizing her private parts.


Next to her was a female knight who was crying and desperately trying to move her unrestrained body to escape the slime's tentacles.


Her hair was chestnut brown and she had a somewhat childish face. Her body was supple and lacking in flesh typical of elves. The way her clothes were roughly torn off, just like Alfira's, was just after she was violently attacked―― just like a woman being attacked by a thug in a back alley.


She was frightened by the violence, trembling, shedding tears, and shaking as she was begging for help as a helpless woman.


To prevent the female knight from getting hurt and to prevent her from escaping, both her hands and feet were bound with tentacles. The paralyzing poison deprived her of her movement, and the tentacles further restrained her.


After making it impossible for anyone here to escape by any means, the slime slowly crawled out of Frederica's secret part and slowly began to tear the clothes of the other female knights.




"Stop―― Stop iiit"


The knight with blue hair that was like that of a blue sky knew that resistance was futile and sheds tears without flailing, while the knight with the red hair that was as fierce as a burning flame flailed hard as though the paralyzing poison was ineffective.


It may be an individual difference or a slight resistance to the poison.


Underwear that hid their breasts and crotch area appeared from their torn clothes. It was striking that both of them have chosen underwear of the same color as their hair.


Their underwear was different, one had pretty, innocent blue underwear and the other had mature, lewd crimson underwear.


Both of them... Their underwear that was covering the crotch part was slightly wet.


It wasn't that they felt pleasure. It wasn't that they were getting excited by Alfira's lewdness. They were terrified and leaked a little.


Perhaps embarrassed by it, the two female knights tried to hide their underwear by bringing their thighs together, but the tentacles that were wrapped around their ankles and knees forced them to stay in an open-legged position.


The four female knights, excluding Alfira, were forced to show their underwear, while the rest of their clothes were torn off.


One was desperate, one was afraid, one had already given up, and one was still trying to resist.


Four people, four different reactions.


The slime had no intention of doing so, but it was a wonderful decoration.


...Then the slime that had lined up the female knights, including Fiana, crawled completely out of the unconscious bodies of Frederica and Satia, and now turned its venomous fangs on the knights.




A muffled cry could be heard. It was the female knight who was crying and trembling with fear.


The slime from Frederica's womb slowly crawled towards her vagina, who was still had the will to resist.


She shook her head from side to side, but from the neck down, her body showed no signs of moving.


The only thing she could do was to stare at the crawling tentacle with fear in her eyes while her legs were opened wide.


The female knight, frustrated and even more terrified, desperately shook her head with tears streaming down her face.


Tears spilled from her eyes and fell onto the floor of the carriage. The slime reached out its tentacles and licked away the tears.


The volume of the slime increased, though only slightly and invisibly.


To the slime, everything a woman produced was food. Sweat, tears, drool, snot,....... love juices. All kinds of liquids and excrement were meals, and especially elves who had a high quantity of mana, it give the slime the best nutrition.


It was hard to imagine the mass of the slime that had absorbed all kinds of wastes and garbage from thousands and tens of thousands of people living in the royal capital for almost a month using the sewers as its home, and even after absorbing that much, the slimes still greedily seek for food.


Without missing a single tear or drop of sweat, the slime absorbed it all.


All of this was due to the individual called Black Ooze had acquired.


Absorbing a human male, evolving as a male, impregnating a female, and making them give birth to a child, it had been engraved into its instincts.


Now it was the only thing it was doing.


It didn't matter if this was the land of the elves.


There was a woman who lived here and could give birth to a child.


That was enough. Other than that, it was unnecessary.


"Noo... nooo..."


The female knight was letting out a scream, leaving her childish white underwear with ribbon decorations exposed.


It was not a paralyzing poison, but a fear-induced shiver that spread throughout her body, and her still-wearing armored boots clattered against the wooden carriage floor.


The slime perhaps didn't have that much wisdom, but it slowly crawled up to the female knight's crotch, as though inciting her fear.


As she looked around for help, she saw Alfira in her field of vision, who was suffering even more miserably than them.


"Fuu―― ughh!!"


She was pierced in the vagina and anus by a very thick tentacle, and her mouth was made to suck on an equally thick tentacle. Her rich breasts that spilled out of her cruelly torn clothes glistened disgustingly wet with slime mucus and Alfira's drool swayed disgustingly in reaction to the penetration.


Her skin and chest collided, and she heard a thump.


The screams and mucus that could be heard from the surroundings were as loud as the sound of her two holes being penetrated, and every time her rich breasts shook greatly, they echoed in the broken carriage.


Alfira's breasts. At its tip.


In the center of her areola, which was slightly larger than that of a normal woman, there was a dimple. A sunken nipple―― the secret that Alfira had been hiding from others was being exposed to the light of day.


The female knights in the place were able to see it.


And they realized that their own embarrassing things would also be exposed in the open.


"Uuu! Uuuuu!?"


Her mouth, which was blocked by a tentacle made an inarticulate sound as though it was trying to say something. When she shook her bound upper body from side to side, her breasts where the sunken nipples that she wanted to hide the most shook vigorously from side to side.


She must be trying to hide it. Everyone thought so.


She didn't want them to be seen. It was too embarrassing to her.


However, every time Alfira swayed her body to hide her breasts, her rich breasts swayed even more violently, which inevitably made her sunken nipples stand out even more.


Alfira was trapped that she didn't know what to do, and the surrounding screams and Alfira's muffled voice in the back of the carriage, and the sticky sound of the slime tentacles every time they move.


The sound was getting louder and louder.


The speed of the tentacles penetrating Alfira's vagina and anus increased.


"Fuu!? uuu, uuuu!?"


The tentacles that were restraining her completely sealed off Alfira's body, like a skilled knight or adventurer restraining its prey.


The slime, which absorbed even the memories of the person it had taken in, was restraining Alfira with the knowledge of the knight it had absorbed in the abandoned mine.


Only a part of the upper body was free.


Both arms, legs, and the lower half of her body were completely restrained, and she could not even shake herself to escape the thrusting movement of the tentacles.


The vaginal wall, the entrance to the womb, the anus, the intestinal wall, and going further into her intestines.


The tentacles filled the entire space and continued to rub up and down endlessly, spilling out love juices and intestinal fluids that were different from the slime's mucus.




Her waist, restrained by the tentacles, trembled strongly.


She climaxed.


It was obvious to everyone that she had climaxed, and the stimulation of her climax, though only momentary, caused her hips to shake even though she was restrained.


Alfira opened her eyes wide and looked at the surroundings, but her eyes did not reflect the scenery. Tears spilled from her eyes and drool spilled from the corners of her mouth.




"Fuu!? uu, Unnhh!?"


The tentacles did not stop. Even though Alfira cummed, it was still piercing her vagina and the anus.


Sometimes at the same time, sometimes alternately.


It seemed to be monotonous, but not on the inside, poking not only the entrance of the womb, but also the inside of the womb, and violating not only the entrance of the intestines but also the depths where the colon was twisting.


She shook her head, tears welling up in her eyes, at the stimulation of the tentacles that had entered her intestines, causing her toned abdomen to swell slightly.


Splashes of love juices were scattered on the floor of the carriage.


She had climaxed again. Even more violently than before. She even squirted.


"Oou, oounnhh!?"


She couldn't breathe through her mouth, so she had to breathe through her nose. Her fingers on both hands, which were still wearing the gauntlets were restrained above her head, twitched in time with the tentacles' thrusts.


A hand for holding a sword. The fingers, trained to slay monsters, tremble in time with the monster's "attack". It was as though Alfira was gently grasping and stimulating the tentacles herself and was trying to soften the impact.




As the tentacle was closing in on her feet.


The elven female knight, wearing white underwear, was in a critical situation and was just watching Alfira's lustfulness.


No, she could not look away.


――She would be like that too.


She felt as though it was being shown to her.


She was going to be violated and made to climax by the slime, by the monster.


It was going to violate her like this.


It was being shown.


Screams going up.


The scream of women who were still safe and was running away near the carriage. And the screams of the female knights trapped in the carriage.


There was a lot of screaming.


A hell of screaming.


It was coming out through the gaps of the destroyed carriage.

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