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Inside the Cave of Obscenity (WN)

Vol.3 - The Holy Kingdom of Lishlua

It was a place that was surrounded by silence.


The walls on the building were adorned with luxurious stained glass and were decorated with gold and silver.


The wooden couches were also finely crafted, and even for the untrained eye, they could tell that even a single chair had been made by the finest craftsmen.


A red carpet with gold embroidery stretched across the floor. Then in a place where the warm light shining through the stained glass, a woman was kneeling, both hands clasped in prayer.


Ahead of her, a figure made of shining platinum metal, similar to silver.


The statue of the goddess.


The oldest being, who was said to have created the land, people, and the world.


She was also the one who called the hero from another world and saved the world.


Goddess "Fasalina".


Even though the statue was made a long time ago, the long hair, beautifully proportioned limbs, and even the clothes it was wearing were so finely crafted that it looked as though she really existed, and even have a sense of presence, as though she would start moving at any moment.


In front of the statue, the woman was praying, not even moving, and even her breathing was slow and minimal.


The magic kingdom of Fonteau. The kingdom of the beastmen, Grabalt. And the third country, the holy kingdom "Lishlua".


At the highest mountain on the continent where the three countries reside.


The Holy Kingdom of Lishlua, the place where the goddess was worshipped.


It was believed that the heavenly realm, where the goddess live, lies beyond the clouds, and it was the country closest to it. That was Lishlua.


The air was thin and there were not many wild animals living around the holy kingdom.


Their main diet consisted of medicinal herbs that grow naturally in the mountainous regions or hunting beasts down in the mountains.


Their daily way of life seemed to be more difficult than those people who lived in Fonteau and Grabalt, but their faith in the Goddess made them believe that their suffering was their "service to the Goddess"―― it was their lifestyle.


"Goddess Fasalina. I thank you for giving us another peaceful morning."


The woman who had been praying muttered.


Her voice was soft and warm.


It was the kind of voice that gave reassurance to those who hear it and brought a calming effect to those who were agitated.


The owner of the voice looked up.


Her soft blond hair glistened like a jewel in the morning sun.


Her skin was white, as though she had never been exposed to the sun, and her eyes were as deep and green as emeralds.


Her long hair was braided into a bun and hung down from her left shoulder, tied with a finely crafted silver barrette.


Her white and blue vestment had little fabric, and the white innerwear that covered her entire body was visible in some places, but she didn't care much about her outfit.


It was the formal attire in the holy kingdom of Lishlua, and she take pride in her current status.


The white innerwear that covered her entire body completely exposed her slender body, even the slightest fluctuations in her limbs, and clearly showed her breasts, which were just the size of a man's hand, and the shape of her lush buttocks.


The vestments above it slowly swayed with her movements, as it pulled down by gravity to hide her limbs.


"Another day of prayer? You're very dedicated, Saint Jenna."


A voice echoed in the silent place.


It was an old man's voice, hoarse and shrill.


The woman called Jenna turned her head in the direction of the voice.


The temple where the statue of the goddess Fasalina was enshrined was a special place that only the highest-ranking members of the faithful living in the holy kingdom of Lishlua―― bishops, priests, and those with similar qualifications were allowed to visit.


A bishop was the descendants of those who heard the voice of the goddess and built the holy kingdom in the middle of the sacred mountain.


A priest was a person who was in charge of the congregation.


And the saint was the one who heard the voice of the goddess...... led the hero and defeated the demon king.


"Bishop-sama. Are you feeling well?"


"Yes, I'm feeling very well today."


The man who appeared in the chapel was so thin that he looked like he was about to collapse.


He had a wrinkled face, but the priestly garments he wore were more luxurious than Jenna's at a glance, and she was concerned that the weight of the garments was inducing him to bend.


The old man was supported by two female priests.


One was tall and calm, and the other looked like a young girl with a somewhat lively atmosphere.


The taller priestess was an elf with pointed ears.


The shorter priestess was a dwarf who still had the appearance of a girl even in adulthood.


――In a country that believes in a goddess, the difference in race was insignificant.


The two of them stood behind the bishop and looked at Jenna, who was offering her prayers.


Calm eyes and lively eyes.


What both of them had in common was that they were watching her as though they were probing her inner thoughts.


Normally, she would feel uncomfortable or annoyed by their gaze.


However, Jenna had no doubts about her actions, so even if they were to use their magic to see into her mind, for example...... she would not feel uncomfortable.


They looked at each other for a short time, not even expressing any particular emotion.


"Hoho. Saint Jenna seems to have fulfilled her duties with peace of mind today."


"――Goddess Fasalina was mourning. Worried about the birth of a new monster. The next crisis for mankind."


"Crisis. Did Fasalina-sama think that the birth of the slime was a "crisis"?"


"Yes, I felt it."


"I see."


It had been a long time since the followers of Fasalina―― the bishops who were the descendants of those who first heard the voice of the Goddess―― have been unable to hear the voice of the Goddess.


The reason was simple.


Just because they were descendants didn't mean that they were on the same wavelength as the Goddess's―― that was all.


Even so, the bishops have been developing the kingdom of Lishlua up to now, and they have high ranks among the followers.


"It's a pity. I can understand why Fasalina-sama is so worried about the world."




However, Jenna frowned as she was troubled by the bishop's words, reluctant to reply.


A companion of the hero who saved the world. Even if she was in the position of "Saint", she couldn't say anything bad about the bishop, who was in a high rank in the holy kingdom.


"The new monster―― was the slime able to reproduce?"


"Yes, refugees from Fonteau said so."


"The monsters are created by the demon king. And now that the demon king is dead, it is supposed to be impossible for monsters to increase..."


The two female priestesses behind the bishop led him towards the couch, supporting his body so that his old body could rest.


"Heave-ho... fuu. You can't fight the process of aging."


"What are you being so pessimistic――"


"Fufu. You're the only one who can say that, Jenna."


The old bishop did not try to hide his frailty and said so.


The believers of the goddess―― the holy kingdom of Lishlua―― had grown too large. The believers were scattered all over the world, and the temple did not know the exact number.


Every day, the believers climb the long stairs built on the sacred mountain to pray and make donations.


With just ten days of donations, the congregation could probably provide for its members for a month if they saved enough money.


But now, instead of taking measures to deal with the threat of monsters, they were showing reluctance to accept refugees from Fonteau.


――Because it costs money.


"The goddess Fasalina created a man, and a man created money――"


"Don't worry, Bishop-sama, everyone will understand. We can unite our hearts and minds, just as we did when we wished the death of the Demon King, like that time."


"……I see."


The bishop's downcast voice seemed to be lamenting the fact that people could not be united without a common enemy.


"There's another meeting coming up today. Saint Jenna, will you be joining us?"


"No, I'm afraid not. I'm going to help with the distribution of food to the refugees, and I think it would be better if I joined the meeting after we've reached a consensus so that the other bishops would not dislike it."


"Is that so."




A bishop was a descendant of those who could hear the voice of the goddess.


But the reality was that it was just in the past, and now they're no different from mere humans―― yet the title of "bishop" had tremendous meaning.


There were seven of them.


No more, no less.


It would not increase or decrease... It was always seven seats.


"Bishop-sama, take care of yourself."


"I know, Saint Jenna."


Jenna knew that soon one of the seats would become vacant.


And the other bishops would try to fill it with one of their own followers.


For them, the position of bishop was nothing more than a "proof of status."


Now, there was no other person who was "worried about the world" like the bishop in front of Jenna... It was the old bishop who was the only one who understood her.


Jenna understood that he was the only person who cared about the refugees from Fonteau, not about the future of the kingdom of Lishlua, its status, or its money.




The situation in the world was about to change in less than a month.


The fall of Fonteau, the kingdom of magic governed by the elves.


The demon king had been defeated by the hero from another world, and the remaining monsters were on the verge of extinction.


In fact, over the past ten years, the number of monsters had been decreasing. Rarely seen, and forced to flee their homes deep into the mountains.


However, the monsters destroyed Fonteau, which was developed by the hero and his wife.


The hero's wife. The country was ruled by Leticia, the strongest mage known on the continent.


It was the slime that destroyed it, a monster thought to be the weakest...... with a weakness for magic.


"It's hard to believe, Jenna-sama."


A woman dressed in white and blue vestments muttered under a simple tent made of thick cloth.


She was holding a ladle in her hand, and in front of her was a large pot that looked like it could cook a meal for dozens of people.


She was stirring the ingredients in the pot strongly that one could not imagine from her thin arms.


"But with this number of refugees... I guess it's true."


The woman called Jenna cut the peeled ingredients into cubes and poured them one after another into the pot.


Her hand grasped a small fruit knife and her movements were slow.


She cut the vegetables into pieces of the same size with a skillful movement, as though by magic.


One could tell by her appearance alone that she was used to cooking.


However, her appearance was more luxurious than that of the woman next to her who was stirring the pot.


She was dressed in the same white and blue color vestments as the priestess when she was praying in the chapel, but the vestments she wore were decorated with gold and silver threads, giving her an impression that she was of higher rank than the other priests.


Her beautiful blond hair was not braided and tied up behind her neck, and her fingers were long and thin as she cut the vegetables.


Her full-body innerwear, remained as it was, but on her chest, there was a necklace that she had not worn earlier in the chapel.


A silver ring connected to a silver chain was shining on the chest of her white innerwear. It was a ring.


The ring was not decorated as one would expect from a woman known as the "Saint," but perhaps it was the owner's attachment to the ring that gave it a hint of warmth as it reflected the sunlight.


She took it off when she goes about her duties, which was a sign that she was a married woman.


"Ah, Jenna-sama!? We were supposed to be doing this kind of work――"


"No. You guys are busy, aren't you? Please let me help you."


The women in the same vestments as the priestess stirring the pot, who had been distributing food to the refugees from Fonteau, returned in a hurry.


Jenna smiled at them and resumed her work by chopping the ingredients.


"No way. We can't ask the saint to cut the vegetables..."


Awe-struck and flustered, the priestesses went under the tent to stop her.


However, Jenna did not give up either.


By nature, she had a stubborn personality. If she decided to do something, she would stick to it.


Jenna, still holding the fruit knife, smiled at the flustered priestesses.


"The title of the "saint" is not necessary when so many people are in trouble. We all have the same hand to reach out to those who needed help."


"But, Jenna-sama, don't you work at the temple......?"


"It's all right. I've already prayed―― Goddess Fasalina is also heartbroken for those who couldn't sleep due to fear......, and it is my duty to heal their pain."


"T-then let me help you in any way I can."


"I'm the one helping you guys, so don't worry too much about it.... Is it okay to distribute the extra meals to the refugees?"


It was easy to say, "Don't worry about it".


However, when someone who was higher in rank said that, people around would inevitably be concerned.


Jenna, who had been called the "saint" for a long time and, worse, had been given "special treatment", understood their concern.


She also knew that these people would feel comfortable with her giving them instructions, even though Jenna herself didn't like it much.


Therefore, Jenna would reassure them by telling them what she had in mind.


"And if anyone is injured, please gather them up. I'll take care of the injured when the meal is being prepared."


"N-no. we have a priest who is skilled in recovery magic, and we don't expect the saint to do that much for us."


"You need help, don't you? There must be many people who were injured when the monsters chased them out of their country. Isn't the title of the 'saint' relevant to healing the injured?"


The priestess's words were not to keep Jenna from getting involved, but simply out of a desire not to bother the woman who was the symbol of the country.


Jenna almost let out a sigh at the fact that they were not concerned about the refugees who were suffering but trying to please the symbol of their country, but she held back.


――There are so many refugees, but they only have a few people helping them.


The reason for that was that those with the higher ranks were still trying to decide what to do about the situation, rather than helping the "refugees from Fonteau".


The food that they have prepared was provided by the priests who wanted to help the refugees.


Jenna was one of them.


But how long could this support continue―― The food was not free and their funds were not unlimited.


If the country didn't step in to help, there would be no way for them to deal with the increasing number of refugees from Fonteau...... and the slime that was expected to come.


The bishops, however, would not be able to make proper decisions until they face the reality.


Just like more than ten years ago, when the world was on the verge of getting destroyed by the Demon King.


(It would be wrong to think badly of the people from the country I live in.)


After preparing the meal, Jenna walked to the tent where the injured were being gathered.


It would take ten days from Fonteau to get to the sacred mountain where Lishlua was located, even by carriage. It was longer by foot.


Most of the refugees were injured and they give priority to those people.


Many of the believers in Lishlua were skilled in recovery magic. It was because the goddess Fasalina was specialized in healing, restoration, and defense.


The saint, Jenna, had powerful mana for a human, but she was not good at offensive magic.


A mage was already called a first class if one could use two attributes but if one could use three or four, then they would likely serve their country.


The priest from Lishlua was not good at attributes such as fire and wind, but of "recovery" magic.


Constructing magic to perform miracles using mana remained the same.


"Excuse me. Does it hurt here?"


"Ugh... a little."


Jenna sat down beside the man lying down inside the tent and lifted his right leg as it was covered by bandages.


It must be from the long journey.


The young man was still dirty even though the priests had wiped him with wet cloths to prevent his injuries from festering as sweat flowed and soaked his clothes and bandages. 


However, Jenna touched the man and caressed his wounds, not caring that her vestments, the color of white and blue, would be stained.


There was no hesitation.


There was no sense of reluctance.


Jenna was giving a gentle smile to calm the injured young man, and her gaze was fixed on his eyes.


There was no disdain in her expression, only genuine concern, which could be felt by the young man.


"Is your muscle hurting? It doesn't feel like it was hurting the bone."


"Y-yes. I was attacked by a monster, a slime, before I got here. In order for the carriage to escape, the men would serve as a decoy...... and that's when I hurt myself."


"I see."


He could feel the warmth flowing from her small, beautiful hands that were lifting his injured leg.




But its purpose was not to hurt.


The warmth seeped into his aching wounds, into his strained muscles, and caused a calming effect.


"Are you feeling any pain?"


"N-no... it felt great."


"Deep lacerations... You're doing very well. You did your best to help someone else with these wounds, didn't you?"


"That's!? I was just desperate at that time... and I was lucky enough to survive, but many people didn't."


"No. You are amazing. You didn't regret it even having so deeply wounded. I am so happy that you were helping others. I admire a man with such a noble spirit."


Jenna said sincerely as she healed his wounds.


Helping others.


Even though they lived in the same country, not everyone the man helped knew him.


And he must have been feeling fear in his heart that he might die.


Even so, he was ready to throw away his life to save them from the monster's attack―― she was really, really impressed by his bravery.


"Don't worry. You'll be able to walk again, believe me."




The man replied to Jenna's passionate voice with a vague expression.


She had bright eyes and a neat appearance with a gentle smile.


The man's heart was tickled by that, but now Jenna was touching the man's skin, even though it was his feet, her face was still close.


No matter how resistant to women a man was, he would be conscious if a beautiful woman with a gentle smile came this close to him.


Besides, the man was not resistant to women.


Rather, he was the kind of guy who would be conscious of a woman just by sitting next to her in a carriage.


It would be unreasonable to expect him not to be conscious of Jenna.


"Jenna, you're here?"


A cool voice sounded from outside the tent.


It was a man's voice, somewhat feminine.


The owner of the voice was tall. He was thin and tall. However, he was not skinny, and his body was solid.


He was too tall and looked slender...


His hair color was brown. Not too long, not too short. The injured man felt that his haircut was also somewhat neutral, neither a man's nor a female's.


The injured man thought that the distance between Jenna and the man who suddenly appeared was close.


"Yes. I thought there might be something I could help you with."


"I'm very glad you feel that way, but...... you need to take your position a little more seriously. The Goddess Fasalina's barrier protected the vicinity of the sacred mountain, but you never know where monsters may enter."


"Fufu, thank you for your concern."


They seem close, or rather, too close.


Jenna smiled at the man, not with the same kind of warm, gentle smile that she had given to the injured man, but with a smile that looked as though it had blossomed into a huge flower.


The man who had been soothed by Jenna's bright smile, even though only for a short while, knew immediately that the smile she was giving to the man was different from the one she was giving him.


"More importantly, are you the one who came to this tent looking for me?"


"Not so much to find you but to warn you......"


"No problem. I don't mix my private and public life―― you should concentrate on your work."




Jenna said that and stepped away from the man.


The tall man scratched his head uncomfortably and cleared his throat.


"I understand. The fact that you are here means that the Goddess Fasalina has allowed you to...... but really, don't do anything rash, okay?"




Ching, ching*. The necklace with the silver ring on Jenna's chest made a small sound.


The same one was also on the man's chest.


The same ring.


They were a couple.


It was hard to tell since they weren't wearing rings, but as she had said earlier, she took them off when she was working so as not to mix her private and public life.


The injured man noticed it with his keen intuition and let out a deep, deep sigh as he put his weight on the cot.


(That's not surprising.)


It would be strange for a woman as beautiful as Jenna not to have a partner.


The reason he was able to give up so quickly was that he had only known Jenna for a short time.


Besides, when he calmed down, seeing the tall, good-looking man and a beautiful woman. He thought they suit each other.


So, rather than feeling heartbroken or sad, he just felt empty, and the injured man let out another sigh.


――A person's desire was a trivial thing.


No matter how small it may be, once a desire held on to it, it would not disappear easily.


And above all, desire was a requirement for action, a strong driving force.

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